Page 69 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 69


        7.   Air  pollution  is  the  release  of  harmful  gases  into  the   10.  The graphic below shows the results of a survey on the
            atmosphere. In many countries, it is the leading cause   reasons of environmental problems.
            of death. An estimated seven million people die every    Greenhouse
            year from indoor and outdoor air pollution. We must take    gases
            action to prevent it. .....................                              50%              Overhunting
            Which option is not appropriate to fill in the blank?
                                                                                               10%       Wasting
            A)  We mustn’t use too much chemicals on farms to kill                          15%          energy
               harmful insects.                                                    20%
            B)  We  mustn’t  throw  rubbish  on  the  streets  and  use
                                                                        Destroying forests      Polluting water
               plastic materials.
                                                                   Which of the following is not correct according to the
            C)  We must use fossil fuels to heat in our homes instead   graphic above?
               of other energy sources.

            D)  We must cycle to work and school, and walk for short   A)  Destroying  forests  is  more  harmful  than  wasting
               distances.                                             energy.
                                                                   B)  Greenhouse gases are the most serious problem for

        8.                                                            the environment.
              Pollution is when we harm the Earth in different ways.   C)  Overhunting  is  the  lowest  negative  effect  on  the
              It is a big problem today, and we are responsible for it.   environment.
              We make the oceans, air, and land dirty. Sadly, many   D)  Water  pollution  is  the  least  important  problem
              of us don't know enough about these problems. Our
              actions upset the natural balance, and we're hurting    compared to the other reasons.
              the  environment.  We  must  say  "stop"  and  try  our
              hardest to fix this before it's too late.
                                                               11.  English teacher, Mrs. Hope wrote down some reasons
                                                                   for an environmental problem on the board and asked
            The text above tells us that ....... .                 her students to find solutions. Here are the reasons and
                                                                   her students’ solutions:
            A)  humans  don’t  play  a  big  role  in  any  environmental
                                                                         ➜ Exhaust fumes
            B)  environmental problems are not the results of human      ➜ Industrial chemicals
                                                                         ➜ Burning of fossil fuels
            C)  human  activities  have  no  bad  impacts  on  the       ➜ Agricultural activities

            D)  human  activities  cause  pollution  and  it’s  damaging   Tina: We should turn off the lights when we don’t need.
               the Earth in various ways                           Frank: We shouldn’t throw our litter into the seas.

                                                                   Katie: We should use public transportation more.
        9.   •  It has bad effects on life and causes genetic problems
              for humans and animals.                              Logan: We should recycle waste materials.
            •  People  can’t  breathe  easily  because  of  the  vehicles’   Who offers a suitable solution for the environmental
              exhaust fume.                                        problem on the board?
            Which environmental problems are related to the        A) Tina     B) Frank      C) Katie      D) Logan
            results given above?
            A)  Nuclear waste - Air pollution                  12.  To recycle, we should ........ our garbage and put it into

            B)  Deforestation - Water pollution                    different boxes.
            C)  Global warming - Land pollution                    Choose the correct word for the blank.

            D)  Pesticides - Noise pollution                       A) throw    B) classify   C) prevent    D) waste
                                                         68                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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