Page 64 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 64


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.               Charlie's last Saturday
                                                                    9:30 a.m.   had a family breakfast
       1.   Suppose that you are in a public place. There is a notice    10:15 a.m.  did fitness
           on the wall. It says the words in the picture below.     11:30 a.m.  bought a pair of boots
                                                                    12:00 a.m.  had lunch with friends

                                                                    1:00 p.m.   saw the new Brad Pitt film
                                                                    3:30 p.m.   bought some fresh vegetables and fruit
                                                                    4:15 p.m.   got back home
                No talking!   No phone!   No food or drink!
                                                                  Which option is correct according to the timetable
           According to the notice, what can you do in this       of Charlie?
                                                                  A)  He went to the sports centre after he went to the shoe
           A)  I can see paintings of some famous artists.           shop.

           B)  I can watch a movie with my friends.               B)  He saw the new Brad Pitt film before he went to the
           C)  I can pay my bills and taxes.                         greengrocer’s.
           D)  I can do research about any subject.               C)  He spent the rest of the day in the movie theatre after
                                                                     he had lunch.

                                                                  D)  He went to a shoe shop and a greengrocer’s before
       2.   (I) Department stores are huge buildings and there are   he went to the movie theatre.
           a lot of parts in them. (II) You can find everything you
           want in these places; trendy clothes, furniture, jewellery,
           electronics, etc. (III) They are very crowded places and
           everything is too expensive. (IV) You can also have a
           rest at coffee shops in these stores after you buy your
                                                              5.   Collecting  stamps  is  my  hobby.  Every  month,
           Which sentence disrupts the meaning of the text?
                                                                  ..................... because I want to have more stamps.
           A) I          B) II         C) III         D) IV
                                                                  Choose the appropriate option for the blank.

                                                                  A)  I go to the museum to see ancient statues
       3.                                                         B)  I write a lot of letters to all my old school friends
              On weekdays, Molly has different activities after school.
              On  Mondays,  she  always  has  diving  exercises.  On   C)  I go to the post office to buy new ones
              Tuesdays,  she  eats  and  drinks  something  with  her
              parents  outside.  On  Wednesdays,  she  usually  meets   D)  I visit art galleries to see the new paintings
              her friends to have a drink and chat. On Thursdays, she
              often gets on the fun rides to have fun. On Fridays, she
              sometimes  watches  the  latest  movies  of  her  favourite
              actors or actresses.

           Read the text above. Find which place Molly doesn’t
           go on weekdays.                                    6.   My  best  friend,  Ashley  is  getting  married  tomorrow
                                                                  evening. I should definitely go to the shopping mall to
           A)                    B)                               ............. for wedding ceremony. I want to look impressive.

                                                                  Which option is suitable to complete the paragraph?
                                                                  A)  see ancient statues
           C)                    D)                               B)  prepare some snacks and drinks

                                                                  C)  look for a nice wedding gift

                                                                  D)  buy a new dress with shoes
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      63
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69