Page 63 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 63


        7.        What did Nathan do last Friday afternoon?    10.  Nicholas: ............................................
              12:30    saw one of the plays of Shakespeare         George: Oh, yes! There is going to be an exhibition of
                                                                   Picasso’s great paintings there two days later. How about
              14:45    paid his house tax
                                                                   going together?
              15:15    sent a letter to his grandma
                                                                   Nicholas: Why not? Sounds good!
              15:50    bought some meat for dinner
                                                                   Which of the following is suitable to complete the
              16:30    bought some flowers for his mom
                                                                   dialogue above?
              17:00    bought his favourite science magazine
                                                                   A)  When did you go to the art gallery?
            Which of the following option is correct according to
            the timetable above?                                   B)  How often do you go to the museum?
                                                                   C)  Why do you often visit the museum?
            A)  He went to the municipal office before he went to the
                                                                   D)  Is there an art gallery around your house?
            B)  He was at a florist’s at half past four and then he went
               to a newsagent’s.
            C)  At quarter past three, he went to the city hall and then
               he went to a butcher.

            D)  Between  3.15  p.m.  and  4.30  p.m.,  he  went  to  a   11.  Tina and Claire are good friends and they want to spend
               department store and a bakery.                      time together this weekend. However, they want to do
                                                                   something different to have fun. Here are the things they
                                                                   like doing:

                                                                            Tina's likes      Claire's likes
        8.   Oliver: When I want to buy some electronics, jewellery,       seeing old       taking dance or
            clothes and furniture, I go there. I can find everything I       things          painting courses
                                                                           buying trendy     watching the
            Amber: I can go there to study for my exams. It is a quite     clothes             latest films
            silence place and there are a lot of books on the shelves.     attending        following the new

            Brad: I usually go there to have a rest and drink something.   charity events    technologies
            I like meeting my friends there.
                                                                   Which place can they meet at the weekend according
            Chloe: I make my bread at home, but I go there to buy   to the information above?
            fresh cookies and cakes if my guests will come to my
            house.                                                 A) Museum              B) City hall
                                                                   C) Governorship        D) Music store
            Which of the following is not correct according to the
            information above?
            A)  Amber prefers going to a bookshop for studying.

            B)  Brad spends time with his friends at a cafe.
            C)  Oliver goes to a department store for his needs.
                                                               12.  Michelle: Hello. How can I help you?
            D)  Chloe is talking about a bakery in her speech.
                                                                   Robert: Hi. I have a bad cold and a sore throat. This is
                                                                   my prescription.
                                                                   Michelle: All right. Let me see it. You should take these
        9.   I  should  go  to  the  ................  to  buy  my  grandfather’s   medicine three times a day.
            medicine today.                                        Where does the conversation above take place?
            Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.    A) In a hospital.      B) In a butcher’s.

            A) chemist’s   B) hospital   C) bakery   D) city hall  C) In a supermarket.   D) In a chemist’s.
                                                         62                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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