Page 72 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 72


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.   Mr. Fox, a science teacher, wrote down some reasons
                                                                  for an environmental problem on the board and asked
                                                                  his students to find solutions. Here are the reasons and
       1.   Mother:  Switch  off  the  TV  and  your  computer  when   the solutions of the students:
           you  don’t  use  them,  honey.  And  also  you  should  turn
           off the lights when not in use. If you want to protect the
           environment, you .............. .                              exhaust gases of cars and factories
                                                                          destroy the forests
           Brendon: OK, mom. You’re absolutely right.
                                                                          burning fossil fuels
           Choose the suitable option for the blank.                      using more chemicals in agriculture

           A)  should waste more energy                                   wasting energy and water

           B)  mustn’t use energy saving devices
           C)  should be careful about the use of energy          William: We should plant more trees and save green
           D)  don’t have to do anything to save energy
                                                                  Rachel: We shouldn’t drop litter into the seas, rivers and
                                                                  Francis: We shouldn’t prefer using our private vehicles for
                                                                  transportation more.
                                                                  Allison: We should buy energy saving light bulbs and
                                                                  have a shower instead of a bath.
       2.   If you are an eco - friendly person, you should ...........
           when you leave your room.                              Who  does  not offer a suitable solution for the
                                                                  environmental problem on the board?
           Which one completes the blank correctly?
                                                                  A) William   B) Rachel    C) Francis   D) Allison
           A)  turn off the lights

           B)  not unplug your computer
           C)  switch on the lights all day
           D)  waste energy all the time                      5.   Wild  animals  are  becoming  endangered  because
                                                                  ................ . We must protect them for the balance of the
                                                                  Complete the blank with the suitable option.

                                                                  A)  they can live everywhere on the planet
                                                                  B)  they often move to another place to live
       3.   Robert: Which precautions should we take to protect the   C)  they are losing their natural habitats
                                                                  D)  they can adapt to new areas easily
           Emily: We should plant new trees and use eco - friendly

           James: We should use public transportation more than
           our private cars.
                                                              6.   Carbon dioxide is a kind of harmful gas, but unfortunately
           Paige: We shouldn’t unplug our electronic devices when   it is increasing in the air day by day. So, we .......... .
           we don’t use them.
                                                                  Choose the appropriate option for the blank.
           Nick: We should use alternative energy and save
           electricity.                                           A)  have to drive for short distances
                                                                  B)  must go everywhere by our own cars
           Whose suggestion is not appropriate for Robert’s
           question?                                              C)  must build new lots of factories

           A) Paige     B) Nick      C) Emily     D) James        D)  have to use public transportation more
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      71
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