Page 70 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 70


                           TEST 2           Çözümler için     4.       What should we do for our environment?
                                                                   ◆  We must use pesticides carefully in agriculture.
       1.   We  should  use  paper  efficiently.  For  that,  we  should   ◆  We should recycle paper, glass, metal and plastic
           use  both  sides  of  a  sheet  of  paper.  We  should  be   materials.
           eco - friendly and use recycled items such as notebooks,
           books and shopping bags. These suggestions are very     ◆  We must protect green areas, especially rainforests.
           important to ............. .                            ◆  We have to start using public transportation instead
                                                                     of our private cars.
           Which option completes the blank correctly?
                                                                   ◆ ................................................
           A)  continue destroying forests

           B)  save the forests
                                                                  Which one is suitable for the blank in the list above?
           C)  cut down a lot of trees
                                                                  A)  We mustn’t think the ways of protecting the balance
           D)  cause deforestation                                   of the nature.

                                                                  B)  We must use renewable energy resources such as
                                                                     wind and solar.
       2.   You see the words in the visuals below that each of them
           has a relationship with each other.                    C)  We  must  hunt  wild  animals  and  give  harm  to  their
             Throwing     Using                  Having           D)  We mustn’t stop cutting down the trees and destroying
              garbage   pesticides   Destroying   paper              forests.
               away      on farms               products
                     Soil                                     5.   There are many simple things you can do to save the
                   pollution            Deforestation             Earth. For example, you can ............. .
             Releasing               Building
               toxic      (1) .......  new       (2) .......      Find the option that is not suitable for the blank.
             emissions                roads                       A)  stop using plastic products
                                                                  B)  remember the three Rs: reuse, reduce and recycle
           Choose the option that completes the blanks in the
           visuals above correctly.                               C)  save the Earth’s natural resources
                            1                                                  2  D)  cut down and destroy the trees

           A)  Industrial waste         Getting more land
           B)  Animal extinction       Chemical fertilizer           Deforestation  is  clearing  the  Earth's  forests  and
                                                                     damaging to the quality of the land. In this way, the
           C)  Greenhouse gases        Planting trees
                                                                     habitats for millions of species are lost. However,
           D)  Smoke of the factories       Recycling                        oxygen in the air decreases, greenhouse
                                                                                gases enter the atmosphere and the
                                                                                 temperature of the Earth increases
                                                                                  because of deforestation. I think it
       3.   Be careful about the use of energy. Overusing the energy              is one of the most serious problems
           sources causes both climate change and higher energy                   of the world.
           costs. That’s why ............... . Stop energy waste to save
           the world and your money.                                              Katie

           Choose the appropriate option to complete the blank.   In Katie’s speech, she is talking about ........ .
           A)  you never have higher bills to pay                 A)  the results of destroying forests

           B)  you should leave your TV on standby                B)  what to do for saving the forests
           C)  you don’t have to pay more money                   C)  the effects of deforestation on people

           D)  you must use energy sources carefully              D)  how people prevent deforestation
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      69
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75