Page 18 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 18


                           TEST 4           Çözümler için     4.
                                             okutunuz                        WONDER SPORTS
       1.   Larry: ..............................................                    CENTER

           Chris: It is boxing.
           Larry: Boxing? I like sports, but it is not my thing. ............  We have

           Chris: Twice a week, usually at weekends.                     a tennis court         Are you interested
                                                                                                is sports?
                                                                                                Do you want to look
           Larry: ...........................................                                   fit and have fun?
                                                                        a football pitch
           Chris: I go to the sports center near my house.                                       Then you should
                                                                            a boxing ring         definitely join
           Which of the following question does not complete                                          us!
           the dialogue?                                               a fitness programme    For more information,
                                                                        aerobics classes       please call us on
           A)  Where do you go for training?
           B)  What is your favourite sport?
           C)  How often do you train?                            Which option cannot we say according to the poster
           D)  Which sports do you dislike?
                                                                  A)  The  sports  center  offers  its  customers  only  to  do
                                                                     team sports.
                                                                  B)  You  can  do  different  kinds  of  sports  in  the  sports
       2.       HOME       GUEST       HOME         GUEST            center.
               2    PERIOD   1          2    PERIOD   3           C)  You should call the phone number on the poster to
                                                                     get more information.
                     a                        b
                                                                  D)  If you’re interested in indoor sports, this sports centre
           Look at the visuals above. Which one is not correct       is for you.
           according to the final scores?

           A)  The score was a draw in the final score b.
                                                              5.   Tracey: ...................................
           B)  Guest team didn’t win the match in the final score a.
                                                                  Steve: Twice a day. Because I want to win a medal in the
           C)  Home team defeated the rival in the final score a.
                                                                  Olympic Games.
           D)  Home team lost the match in the final score b.
                                                                  Complete the dialogue with the correct question.

                                                                  A)  How often do you go out with your friends?

       3.   Emma: What do you usually do after school?            B)  Which equipment do you need for this sport?
           Christopher:  I go to a sports center for my karate training.   C)  How often do you exercise?

           Emma: Karate? Are you good at it?                      D)  Do you often go on a diet?
           Christopher: I wear a white belt. It’s for beginners, but
           ........................... .
                                                              6.   Tom is a professional tennis player. He is very successful
           Emma: I think you’re ambitious, so you can do it.      because he .................... .

           Find the suitable option for the blank.                Which one is not appropriate to fill in the blank?
           A)  I want to get a black belt in the future           A)  beats his opponents easily in tournaments

           B)  you don’t need any equipment to do karate          B)  never trains a lot to be the best in tennis
           C)  I must wear white trousers and a white jacket      C)  represents his country in Olympic Games

           D)  karate is becoming very popular all over the world  D)  achieved big successes and won many medals
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      17
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