Page 13 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 13


        7.                                                     10.   I.  Really?  I  didn’t  know  that.  So,  what  about  going
              Lionel Messi is an Argentine professional football
              player.  He  has  won  a  record  seven  Ballon  d'Or   climbing this Sunday?
              awards and a record six European Golden Shoes,       II. Sorry, but I can’t make it. I don’t like indoor sports at
              and  in  2020  he  was  named  to  the  Ballon  d'Or   all.
              Dream  Team.  His  day  typically  begins  with  an   III. Hey,  Steven.  The  sports  club  is  organizing  a
              early morning workout, focusing on strength and        basketball tournament next Monday. Why don’t we
              conditioning exercises to maintain his exceptional     join it?
              fitness  levels.  Afterward,  he  engages  in  football   IV. Yeah, why not? I enjoy doing activities in nature very
              -  specific  training,  refining  his  dribbling,  passing,   much.
              and  shooting  skills.  He                           Put the conversation into the correct order.
              always takes care about his
              health, so he never eats fast                        A) III - IV - II - I   B) III - II - I - IV
              food. He usually eats meat,                          C) III - I - II - IV   D) III - II - IV - I
              fruit and vegetables.

            In the paragraph above, there is no information about   11.
            Messi’s ............... .                                 People usually do this sport indoors. It is a kind
                                                                      of martial arts. You need a special white suit and
            A) diet                B) training                        a belt to do it.

            C) successes           D) weekly activities
                                                                      In  this  sport,  you  shoot  arrows  with  a  bow  at
        8.   Mia is the Olympic and World Championship swimmer        targets of varying distance. It's both an individual
            and she wants to win five gold ...... at the olympics.    and outdoor sport.
            Complete the blank with the correct option.
                                                                   Which sports are mentioned in the texts above?
            A) medals   B) sports   C) spectators   D) equipment
                                                                   A)  Ice skating - Climbing
        9.   The  table  below  is  about  the  frequencies  of  some   B)  Hiking - Tennis
            activities Peter, Tim, Larry and Hank do in their daily life.
                                                                   C)  Karate - Archery

                      get up   go on a   go     eat healthy        D)  Volleyball - Archery
                       early    diet   jogging     food
              Peter    often   never              always
                                        every                  12.
               Tim    rarely   often              seldom             Mike enjoys doing outdoor sports. He prefers risky
                                       morning                       sports, so he always uses some safety equipment
                      hardly           twice a
               Larry           usually            seldom             while doing his favourite sport.
                       ever             week
              Hank    always   never              always           Which  sport  would  Mike  prefer  according  to  the
                                                                   information above?
            According to the table above, we can say that .... . .  A)                    B)
            A)  Larry and Tim get up early for more days in a week
               compared to others

            B)  Hank and Tim have a problem with their weight, but
               Larry doesn’t
                                                                   C)                     D)
            C)  Tim spends more time going jogging than Peter and

            D)  Hank  and  Peter  care  about  their  health  more  than
               Tim and Larry
                                                          12                                      GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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