Page 10 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 10


                           TEST 4           Çözümler için     4.   Hannah: Have you got a sister, Lauren?
                                             okutunuz             Dorothy: Yes, I have. She is called Jamie.
       1.   Abigail: Who is that boy over there, Mike?            Hannah: What is she like?

           Mike: He is my new deskmate, Nathan. I really like him.   Dorothy: ...................... She is very patient.
                                                                  Which of the following option is suitable to complete
           Abigail: How nice! I’m happy to hear that. And this mean   the dialogue?
           he is a clever person.
                                                                  A)  She waits for hours when I’m in the bathroom.
           Mike: Yes, absolutely.
                                                                  B)  She can’t talk to people she doesn’t know.
           Find the suitable option to complete the dialogue.
                                                                  C)  She always wants everything for herself.
           A)  He thinks about himself and never shares.          D)  She doesn’t usually remember her duties.

           B)  He always makes terrible jokes to me.
           C)  He helps me with my math homework.             5.

           D)  He hardly ever tells the truth.                      Riley has a sister called Sonia. She is twelve years
                                                                    old and he is fourteen years old. She can't touch his
                                                                    head. However, she is a bit plump. So, their parents
                                                                    want her to stay away from fast food and do more
                                                                    exercises. Riley is slim, but he goes cycling in the
       2.             Sheila    Oliver   Bianca    Arthur           park four times a week to keep fit.

              Age       13       14        17       15            The text tells us that .............................. .

             Height   152 cm   157 cm    169 cm   163 cm          A)  Riley is younger but fatter than Sonia
             Weight    45 kg    48 kg     52 kg    51 kg          B)  Sonia is more active to be fit than Riley
                                                                  C)  Riley eats healthy food less than Sonia
           According to the chart above, ................ .
                                                                  D)  Sonia is shorter and heavier than Riley
           A)  Bianca is taller but heavier than Oliver and Sheila
           B)  Arthur is shorter but younger than Sheila
                                                              6.   Mom: How was the school today?
           C)  Oliver is older but slimmer than Arthur and Bianca
                                                                  Harold: It was pretty good. A student came to our class
           D)  Bianca is younger but fatter than all of others
                                                                  today. His name is Ryan.
                                                                  Mom: Really? What does he look like? Did you have time
                                                                  to meet him?
               Tim refuses to change his decisions or plans and   Harold: Yes, he is of medium height and a little plump
               he thinks he is always right.                      with short wavy light brown hair and hazel eyes. He is my
                                                                  new deskmate and I really liked him because he is tidy,
               Emily always wants to reach her goals and be       friendly, outgoing and cheerful.
               successful, so she studies hard.                   Mom: Great! I’m sure you will get on well with each other
                                                                  because you always tidy up your room and like funny
               Brian always does a lot of sports and works hard   people as you are. Also, you both like making new friends
               at the gym to keep himself fit.
                                                                  and hanging out with them.
               Daisy likes spending money for her friends, so     According to the conversation above, Harold is ........
               she usually buys them things.                      Ryan.
                                                                  A)  messier and more shy than
           According to the information above, which option is
           not correct?                                           B)  less cheerful, but tidier than

           A) Brian is energetic.   B) Emily is smart.            C)  friendly and outgoing as much as
           C) Daisy is generous.   D) Tim is stubborn.            D)  more friendly, but less outgoing than
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                       9
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15