Page 86 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 86

TEST  3                                                             UNIT 5: THE INTERNET

        1.                                                     4.  Jason: ..................................................?
               Internet activities  Tom  Sue  Hank    Mia
                                                                  Katie: By my smartphone and laptop.
              do online shopping
                                                                  Jason: ................................................?
              play online games
                                                                  Katie: About five hours.
              practice English
                                                                  Jason: ................................................?
              check e - mails
                                                                  Katie: Technology, science and health.
            Which one is correct according to the chart above?    Choose  the  option  that  does  not  complete  the
                                                                  dialogue above.
            A)  All of them use the Internet for entertainment.
            B)  Only girls prefer buying something from websites.  A)  What kind of websites do you follow
                                                                  B)  How do you connect to the Internet
            C)  They all improve their English through the Internet.
            D)  Both of them use e - mails to get in touch with people.  C)  How many hours a day do you spend on the Internet
                                                                  D)  How many devices do you have to access the Internet

                    TIPS FOR STAYING SAFE ONLINE
                Be careful   Don’t agree to
             about the things  meet with your   Shop from the
                                             websites you
               you share on   online friend in
               the Internet.    person.         trust.

                 Create a strong
              password and don’t tell it  Don’t believe everything
                    to anyone        you read on the Internet.
               except your parents.                            5.       Internet activities  Emily  Dave   Marie

            According  to  the  information  given  above,  you    make travel arrangements
            should ........ if you want to be safe online.
                                                                   keep in touch with old friends
            A)  share  your  personal  information  with  people  you
               don’t know
            B)  have a password that it is not difficult to guess  do the shopping
            C)  use the safe websites to buy things you need or want
                                                                   follow online courses
            D)  invite people you meet online to your house and tell
               them all about yourself                             visit websites to do
                                                                   school assignments

        3.  Matthew: I think the Internet makes our life easier. What   Which of the following can be correct according to
            do you think about it?                                the table above?

            Pierce: ......... I cannot imagine a life without the Internet.  A)  Dave and Emily take advantage of the Internet before
                                                                     going on a holiday.
            Fill in the blank with the suitable option.
                                                                  B)  All  of  them  take  courses  to  improve  themselves
            A)  I definitely agree with you.                         through the Internet.
            B)  I think you’re wrong.                             C)  None of them uses the websites to buy something.
            C)  I think it is very harmful.                       D)  They all use social networking sites to communicate
            D)  I think it has many advantages.                      with their friends.

          86     Grade 8 English
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91