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P. 82

TEST  2                                                             UNIT 5: THE INTERNET

        1.                                                     4.  Brad: Hi, Carmela! I have some good news for you.
              Kimberly: Be careful about having online friends.
              They can be very dangerous.                         Carmela: Oh, hi Brad! What is it?
                                                                  Brad: There is an online course about improving English
                                                                  language skills. Would you like to register?
              Steven: Create an online identity to log in if you
              want to follow this site.                           Carmela: Oh, that would be great. I usually go online and
                                                                  I can practice my English thanks to this course. What is
                                                                  the web address of the course?
              Amanda: Avoid using dangerous sites for any
              reason  when you are online.                        Brad: I’m sending the link to you. You should first create
                                                                  an account and then register. So, you can log in to it. It
                                                                  will start at 8.30 p.m. this Friday.
              Richard: Pay more attention about what you share    Carmela: OK, thanks. Actually, my Internet isn’t working
              on the Internet.
                                                                  properly nowadays, but I’ll try to attend it.

            Find the person that he or she means, some people     It is clear from the conversation above that, .... .
            pretend to be younger when online in his or her       A)  Brad tells Carmela how she can join the online course
            speech.                                               B)  Carmela is good at English, so she doesn’t need any
            A) Amanda   B) Richard   C) Kimberly   D) Steven         courses for it
                                                                  C)  Brad doesn’t know the web address of the course,
                                                                     but he’ll find it for Carmela

        2.                                                        D)  Carmela gives some information to Brad about the
                           Internet Safety Rules                     online course
                ● ................................................
                ●  Don’t give out your personal information to

                ● Be careful with what you share.
                ● Don’t agree to meet online friends.

                                                               5.  People can use the Internet for different purposes. For
            Which one is appropriate for the blank in the table?  example, they

            A)  Accept unknown people’s friend request.           ◆   keep in touch with their friends and relatives,
            B)  Believe in all news on the Internet.              ◆   follow  online  courses  to  improve  themselves  in
            C)  Open e-mails or files from people you don’t know.    different fields,
            D)  Keep your password secret except from your family   ◆   learn about what happens around the world every
               members.                                              day.

                                                                  Whose purpose of using the Internet does not match
                                                                  the examples in the text above?
            ◆   Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet?       A)  Victor:  I  use  the  Internet  to  read  online  news  and

            ◆   Do you talk about the Internet all the time?         magazines.
                                                                  B)  Sasha: I use the Internet to learn foreign languages
            ◆   Is the Internet your only hobby?
                                                                     and new recipes.
            If you answer “yes” to all these questions, maybe     C)  Walter:  I  use  the  Internet  to  search  for  my  school
            you are a(n) .... .                                      assignments.

            A) Internet addict       B) computer expert           D)  Fiona: I use the Internet to communicate with other
            C) coach potato          D) online friend                people.

          82     Grade 8 English
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87