Page 81 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 81

UNIT 5: THE INTERNET                                                            TEST  1

          16. There  is  a  class  survey  about  inviting  students  to  do   18. Gloria and Kevin are sharing their opinions about the
             online activities. Here are the results:              Internet. Gloria thinks the Internet has many benefits, but
                                                                   Kevin doesn’t think so.
                      Activities       Accepting   Refusing
                                                                   Which of the following would Kevin say according to
                doing online shopping      15         10           the information above?
                  joining chat rooms       0          25
                                                                   A)  It provides a lot of opportunities to people and makes
              sharing photos and videos    3          22              their life easier.
                  subscribing a vlog       9          16           B)  It helps students to do research about their school
                 playing online games      7          18
                                                                   C)  Surfing and playing games on the Internet can quickly
             We can understand from the information and the           become very addictive.
             chart above that .... .                               D)  It allows us to find products of interest and buy them

             A)  there are twenty - five students in the class and all of   without having to visit a store.
                them refuse joining chat rooms
             B)  most  of  the  students  accept  sharing  photos  and
                videos on the Internet
             C)  nearly  the  same  number  of  students  refuse
                subscribing a vlog and doing online shopping
             D)  more than half of the students accept playing online
                games and subscribing a vlog

                                                                        Nowadays, almost everybody has a social
          17.  Thomas goes online every day. The icons below show       media account. If you still don’t have one, I
             the activities that he mostly does when he is online.      can describe how to sign up an account. First,
                                                                        you need to have an e-mail address. You fill
                                                                        the necessary information about yourself to
                                                                        create your profile and a strong password.
                                                                        Then they will send a confirmation e-mail to
                                                                        you. After you confirm your e-mail address,
                                                                        your account is ready. Now, you can log in to
                                                                        your account and start to discover the virtual
                                                                        world of social media. Don’t forget to upload
                                                                        a profile photo in case your friends can find
                                                                        you more easily.

                                                                   According to the text above, which of the following
                                                                   option can be correct?

                                                                   A)  Social  media  is  like  the  real  world  and  it  provides
                                                                      people to keep in touch with their friends.
             Which of the following activities does not match one
             of the icons above?                                   B)  If  you  want  to  be  a  social  media  user,  you  should
                                                                      have a profile photo first.
             A)  He sends e - mails with attachments.
                                                                   C)  You can get an e-mail address easily if you have an
             B)  He comments on his friends’ photos.                  account on social media.
             C)  He usually searches for information.              D)  Social  media  use  is  now  widespread,  so  it  is  very
             D)  He replies to messages from his friends.             popular among people.

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   81
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