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TEST  4                                                            UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE

        13.  A research company asked teenage girls and boys in   15. Sarah: Hello, Sarah speaking.
            Turkey about their communication preferences. Here are   Tim: Hi, Sarah. It’s Tim. Can I speak to Jane, please?
            the results:
                                                                  Sarah: Of course. Hang on a minute, please. I’ll get her.
                             Teenage Girls  Teenage Boys          (After 2 minutes) I’m sorry. She has gone out.

              Text message      50%             40%               What does the underlined sentence in the dialogue
                                                                  above mean?
               Phone call       25%             35%
                                                                  A)  Tim wants to contact with Jane.
                 E-mail          15%            20%               B)  Sarah gives a message to Jane.
                  Letter         10%            5%                C)  Sarah tells Jane that Tom’s calling.
                                                                  D)  Tim doesn’t wait to talk with Jane.
            Which of the following is correct according to the
            results above?

            A)  Making  phone  calls  is  the  most  preferred  way  of
               communication among both teenage boys and girls.

            B)  Half of the teen girls prefer sending text messages,
               but less than half of the teen boys prefer it.   16.  I.  Could I ask who’s calling?
            C)  The number of teenage boys sending e-mails is less   II.  Hello, Mike speaking.
               than those writing letters for communication.
                                                                  III. Hold on, I’ll check. Kathy! Kathy!
            D)  Sending text messages is the second popular way of
               communication among teenage boys.                  IV. Hello, Mike. Is Kathy there?
                                                                  V.  I’m sorry. It’s her classmate, Jane.

                                                                  Put the sentences into the correct order to make a
                                                                  meaningful conversation.

        14.   We  can  communicate  with  other  people  in  many   A) II - I - IV - III - V   B)  V  -  III  -  IV  -  II  -  I
             different ways. We can talk and write. We can also send   C) I - III - V - II - IV   D)  II  -  IV  -  I  -  V  -  III
             messages with our hands and faces. There are also the
             phone, the fax and email. Television, cinema, painting
             and photograph are also other ways of communication.
             Radio, cinema and television have a huge influence on
             society. We also have the Internet today. So, we can
             give and get a lot of information very quickly. However,   17.  Mia: How do you communicate with your friends?
             it is sometimes difficult to know what is important or
             what isn’t because there is so much information on the   John: I prefer face to face communication. I hate other
             Internet. Modern media changes our world every day.  ways of communication.
                                                                  Linda: Most of the people think writing postcards and
            We can understand from the passage above that         letters are old - fashioned, but I prefer them to keep in
            ............... .                                     touch with my friends.
            A)  we use and develop different types of communication   Fred: Most of the people prefer using social networks for
               methods                                            keeping in touch with others in today’s world.
            B)  we need to communicate to continue our lives in a   Anna:  I  always  text  messages  or  make  phone  calls.
               society                                            Sometimes, I use social networks to communicate with
            C)  Internet is the best way of exchanging information in   them.
               the world
                                                                  Who gives the unsuitable answer to Mia’s question?
            D)  communication technology changes over time and it
               makes our lives very difficult                     A) Linda     B) John      C) Anna      D) Fred

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