Page 74 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 74

TEST  4                                                            UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE

                Answer the questions 6 and 7 according to      8.  Samantha  usually  prefers  sending  text  messages  to
                     the phone conversation below.                her  friends  because  it  is  easier,  faster  and  cheaper.
                                                                  She also likes using emails when she wants to share
                                                                  homework and photos with her friends. She is a social
                                                                  girl and she keeps in touch with people using face to face
                                                                  communication. She finds writing letters or postcards an
                                                                  old - fashioned communication method.

                                                                  According to the text above, which of the following
                                                                  pictures  does  not  show  one  of  Samantha’s
                                                                  communication preferences?

                                                                  A)                       B)
          Receptionist: Hello, this is Sunset Hotel. How can I help
          George: Hello, I want to reserve a room.

          Receptionist: Of course. Single or double?
                                                                  C)                       D)
          George: Double, please.
          Receptionist: Which dates do you want to stay?

          George: Between the dates of July 10 - 15.
          Receptionist: OK! Do you prefer a seaside room or a land
          side room? The prices are different.
          George: A seaside room, please.

          Receptionist: Your reservation has been done. You can
          pay after you confirm your reservation until July 3 via our
          call center or website.

          George: Alright. How can I pay?
          Receptionist: You can pay in cash or by credit card.
          George: Thank you very much. Bye.
          Receptionist: You're welcome. Have a nice day.                  Using social   Making   Talking   Writing
                                                                            networks   phone    face to   letters
                                                                                        calls    face
        6.  What is the purpose of the phone conversation?          Rosie      ✔                  ✔       

            A)  To make a hotel reservation                         Dylan               ✔         ✔       ✔
            B)  To cancel a hotel reservation
            C)  To book a flight ticket                           Which of the following option can be said according
                                                                  to the chart above?
            D)  To make a complaint
                                                                  A)  They  both  prefer  online  communication  to  making
                                                                     phone calls.
        7.  Which question has an answer in the conversation?     B)  Dylan  doesn’t  prefer  old-fashioned  ways  of
            A)  What is the name and surname of the customer?
                                                                  C)  Rosie  doesn’t  like  talking  on  the  phone  to
            B)  How much money will George pay for the reservation?
            C)  What is the deadline to confirm the reservation?  D)  Both of them don’t prefer face to face communication
            D)  What is the location of the hotel?                   at all.

          74     Grade 8 English
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