Page 69 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 69

UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE                                                            TEST  3

          6.  English teacher, Mrs. Howard talked about the history   8.
             of communication in her last lesson and she drew these           B RILLIA N T  ID E A S  DAYRILLIA N T  ID E A S  DAY
             pictures below on the board.
                                                                        Come and share your science project with us.
                                                                        Show us your talent in science.
                                                                        No rules, enjoy the event!
                                                                        All eighth grade students can attend.
                                                                            Date: 16.05.2024
                                                                            Time: 5 - 7 p.m.
                     1800   1150   1454   1794   1876                       Place: City Hall
                     BC                                                     Contact us: 0 124 951 49 84

                                                                   William: Hello, this is William Springfield.
                                                                   Secretary: Hello William. How may I help you?

             Which information is not said according to the text   William: I want to join the Brilliant Ideas Day event. What
             and the pictures above?                               should I do?
             A)  People used smoke signals to communicate before   Secretary: ....................................................
                messenger birds.                                   William: AIright. Thanks a lot.
             B)  Many  years  after  the  invention  of  the  telegraph,   Read the information on the card and the telephone
                people began to use the telephone.                 conversation above. Which option is suitable to fill
             C)  The  first  printing  machine  was  invented  before  the   in the blank?
                first telephone.                                   A)  You  should  be  in  the  eighth  grade  and  bring  your
             D)  The telegraph is the newest communication tool as    project to the City Hall.
                compared to others.
                                                                   B)  If you want to get more information, please visit our
                                                                   C)  The event will be in the morning, so you should come
                                                                      very early.
                                                                   D)  Only  intelligent  students  can  join  the  event  if  they
          7.  Peter:  Hello.  This  is  Peter  speaking.  How  may  I  help
             Jenny: Hi. I want to make a flight reservation from Canada
             to France on July 9.
             Peter: There is a flight at 2 o’clock in the afternoon and
             one at 7 o’clock in the evening.
             Jenny: I’d like one ticket for the 2 o’clock plane.
             Peter: All right. Can I .................., please?                Ways of Communication
             Jenny: Jenny Hopkins.                                             ◆   Writing a letter

             Complete the phone conversation with the suitable                 ◆   Texting a message
             option.                                                           ◆   .......................................

             A)  have your phone number
             B)  ask a single flight cost                          Which of the following is not suitable for the blank?
             C)  have your name and surname                        A) Leaving a voicemail    B) Making a phone call
             D)  have your date of birth                           C) Sending a fax         D) Deleting a file

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   69
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