Page 68 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 68

TEST  3                                                             UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE

        1.                Hello,  everyone!  My  name  is  Tiffany.   3.                     Women       Men

                          I use different ways of communication
                         to  keep  in  touch  with  my  friends.  But   Making a phone call   26%        25%
                         my favourite is social networking sites. I
                        usually visit those sites and learn about    Texting a message        16%        27%
                        what my friends did. I comment on their                               22%        28%
                        photos and post messages in our groups.      Using social networks
                         I also have video chats with them. I think   Talking face to face    36%        20%
                          social networking sites are the best way
                           of communication.                      Which question does not have an answer according
                                                                  to the chart above?
            According to Tiffany’s talk, which communication
            way does not she prefer?                              A)  Which  communication  way  is  the  most  popular
                                                                     among women?
            A)                       B)     Tiffany, Mia, Emma
                                                                  B)  How  do  men  communicate  with  their  friends  or
                                                                  C)  What  are  the  latest  technological  developments  in
                                                                  D)  What  percentage  of  both  women  and  men  prefer
                                                                     texting a message?
            C)                       D)

                                                               4.  Owen: Tell me, Tyler. How do you usually keep in touch
                                                                  with your friends?
                                                                  Tyler: I usually phone them, especially when I don’t see
                                                                  them for a long time. However, ........ so, my parents get
                                                                  angry with me.

                                                                  Which option is appropriate for the blank?
                                                                  A)  I prefer online communication because it’s so fun
                                                                  B)  I hate making phone calls for communication
                                                                  C)  I think writing letters is an old - fashioned way
                                                                  D)  I usually prefer talking on the phone for hours
        2.   I.  Sorry, he is not available at the moment.

            II.  Hello, Brian speaking.

            III. Can you tell him to call me back as soon as possible,
               please? It is urgent.                           5.  Bridget: ...........................................
            IV. Don’t hang up the phone; I’ll get him. Mike! Mike!..  Eva: I usually use social networks. It is really fun. I think

            V.  Sure. Have a nice day.                            the Internet is the best way of communication.
            VI. Hi, this is Kevin. Can I talk to Mike, please?    Which option do you use to complete the dialogue?
            VII.  Would you like to leave a message?              A)  How do you keep in touch with your friends?
            Which one is the correct order of the conversation?   B)  How many ways of communication do you know?
                                                                  C)  Do you use social networks to communicate?
            A) VI-I-III-V-IV-II-VII   B) II-VI-IV-I-VII-III-V     D)  Why do you usually prefer using social networks for
            C) VI-II-III-V-VII-I-IV   D) II-VI-III-V-VII-IV-I        communication?

          68     Grade 8 English
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