Page 63 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 63

UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE                                                            TEST  1

          14. Daisy: Hello, it is Daisy speaking. How can I help you?   17.  Secretary: Hello, Mr. Atkinson’s office. How may I help
             Michael: Hi! I bought a tablet via your website last week,
             but its screen is broken.                             Mrs. Peterson: Hi. This is Katie Peterson, Mr. Atkinson’s

             Daisy: Hold the line, please. I’ll put you through to the   daughter’s science teacher. Can I speak to Mr. Atkinson,
             customer services.                                    please?
                                                                   Secretary: I’m afraid he is in a meeting at the moment.
             Michael: Okay. I’m waiting.
                                                                   Would you like to leave a message?
             Michael makes a phone call to .... .
                                                                   Mrs. Peterson: Yes, please. Could you tell him to come
             A)  return a product                                  to school as soon as possible?
             B)  report problems about delivery                    Secretary: Certainly, madam. I’ll tell him that you called
             C)  make a complaint                                  after the meeting.
             D)  learn about a bill                                Mrs. Peterson: Thank you. Have a nice day.

                                                                   We can understand from the phone conversation
                                                                   above that .... .

          15.                                                      A)  Mr. Atkinson answered the phone when Mrs. Peterson
                    Darren                                            was calling

                                                                   B)  Mrs. Peterson left a message for Mr. Atkinson about
                Hi, Mary
                                                                      his daughter
                Jack, Jason and I are going to the book fair this
                Sunday. We are going to meet at 3 p.m. in the Star   C)  Mr. Atkinson  was  available  while  Mrs. Peterson
                Square. As far as I know, you love reading. If you    wanted to talk to him
                want to join us, please call me.                   D)  the  secretary  took  Mrs. Peterson’s  message  about
                I hope you can come.                                  the meeting

                        Enter message

             In this text message, which of the questions does
             not have an answer?

             A)  Who is Darren going to go to the book fair with?
             B)  Where are they going to meet?
             C)  What kind of books will Darren buy?            18.
             D)  What time are they going to meet?

          16. Ken: Hello, this is Ken. Is Calvin there?                    Susan                     Jane
                                                                   “Susan and Jane are cousins. Susan likes ……. with
             Frank:  ...............  I  can’t  hear  you  very  well.  Can  you   her friends, but Jane prefers …… with her friends and
             please repeat that?                                   relatives for communication.”

             Ken: Is Calvin at home? I’m his friend, Ken.          According  to  the  visuals  above,  which  option
             Find the appropriate option for the blank.            completes the blanks correctly?

             A)  I’m afraid he is not in at the moment.            A)  talking face to face / having video chats
             B)  I will inform him about your calling.             B)  making phone calls / texting messages
             C)  Do you want to leave a message?                   C)  using social networks / sending emails
             D)  I’m sorry, there is a bad connection.             D)  talking face to face / making phone calls

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