Page 61 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 61

UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE                                                            TEST  1

          5.  Secreraty: Hi. This is Hailey. ...........?       7.
                                                                   ◆   Cell phone is a popular device for communication.
             Kevin: Hello. I’d like to speak to Mr. Hudson, please.  ◆   E-mail  is  practical  and  fast,  also  you  can  send
             Secretary: I’m sorry, but he is out of the office now. ......?  messages everywhere.

             Kevin: Could you please tell him to call me back as soon   ◆   SMS is used by especially the young generation.
             as possible? It’s urgent.                             ◆   Managers  and  bussinesmen  usually  use  making

             Secretary: Sure. ...........?                            phone calls for communication.
             Kevin: Kevin Porter. It’s 235478932.                  ◆   Memos are usually used for invitations or meetings.
                                                                   According to the information above, which option
             Find the question that does not complete any of the   can be said?
             blanks in the conversation above.
                                                                   A)  Today, you can use cell phones, SMSes and e-mails
             A)  Would you like to leave a message                    for a good communication.
             B)  Can I take your name and phone number, please     B)  Teenagers prefer sending e-mails more than texting
             C)  Can you say it slowly, please                        messages.

             D)  How can I help you                                C)  Making phone calls is the only way to inform other
                                                                      people about events in the business life.
                                                                   D)  SMS  is  the  most  preferred  communication  way
                                                                      among almost all people.

                                                                8.  The chart below shows the results of a study on favourite
                                                                   smartphone applications of 100 teenagers in Turkey.
          6.                                                                                            Number of
               Charlotte,                                                 Smartphone applications
               Edmond from your workplace phoned you in the                Instagram (a social media app)  28
               morning. He invites you to his garden party. It is
               in the garden of his house on Friday. It starts at 7        TikTok (a video - sharing app)   6
               o’clock in the evening. He waits for your response          Netflix (a subscription - based    17
               as  soon  as  possible.  You  can  call  him  on  his       video - on - demand app)
               mobile. His number is 500-6911410.                          Amazon (a shopping app)         11
               Scarlett                                                    YouTube (a video - sharing app)  30
                                                                           Spotify (a music streaming app)  8
             Which of the following option is correct according to   Which of the following option is correct according
             the memo above?                                       to the chart above?

             A)  Scarlett and Charlotte should call Edmond to inform   A)  Instagram is the most popular smartphone application
                him about their responses for the party.              among Turkish teens.
             B)  Edmond  is  Charlotte’s  associate,  but  she  doesn’t   B)  Many  of  Turkish  teens  like  doing  online  shopping
                have his phone number.                                more than sharing videos on the Net.
             C)  Edmond  called  Scarlett  to  invite  her  to  his  garden   C)  Nearly  half  of  Turkish  teens  use  a  smartphone
                party, but she didn’t pick up the phone.              application to watch movies.
             D)  Edmond talked on the phone with Charlotte and left a   D)  YouTube  and  Instagram  are  the  most  preferred
                message for Scarlett.                                 smartphone applications by Turkish teens.

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