Page 57 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 57

UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN                                                          TEST  4

          8.  Frederick is at a shopping mall to watch his favourite         Answer the questions (10 - 11)
             actor’s  latest  movie,  but  he  wants  to  eat  something    according to the recipe below.
             quickly before the movie begins. The movie is going to
             begin ten minutes later. He had $24, but he paid $9 for
             the ticket. Here are the foods he can choose there:         HOW TO MAKE FUDGY BROWNIES

                                            Mixed pizza           1.  Melt the butter in a large saucepan and then take the
                         basket             30 minutes             saucepan off the heat.
                       20 minutes             $18
                          $12                                     2.  Add the sugar, cocoa and vanilla in it and stir.
                      Hamburger        Sandwich                   3.  Crack the eggs into the mixture and mix well.
                      15 minutes       7 minutes
                         $10             $10                      4.  Put the flour and salt in the mixture and then add the
                                                                   nuts in it. Stir all the ingredients.

                                                                  5.  Pour the mixture into a baking tray and bake it at 230°C
                                                                   for 30 minutes.

                                                                  6.  Remove it from the oven
                                                                   and let it cool completely
                                                                   before cutting into.

                                                                  7.  Serve the brownies with
                                                                   chocolate slices sauce
             Look at the visual above. According to the amount     for a better taste, and
             of money and time Frederick has, what should he       enjoy!
             A) Sandwich              B) Chicken basket
             C) Hamburger             D) Mixed pizza

                                                                10. You should ...... if you have  more delicious brownies.
                                                                   A)  serve the brownies with chocolate slices sauce
          9.  The table below shows Jodie’s preferences on cooking
             methods for different foods.                          B)  mix all the ingredients at the same time
                                                                   C)  crack the eggs into the flour and mix well
                             grill    fry    roast   steam         D)  bake it in a pre-heated oven to 230°C


                  meat                                          11.  Which tool don’t you need to use while baking the

                  fish                                             fudgy brownies?
                                                                   A)                       B)
             According to the table above, which of the following
             option can be said?
             A)  She dislikes grilled fish, so she usually fries it to eat.
             B)  She never prefers eating meat dishes cooking in oil.  C)                   D)
             C)  She uses steaming to make the vegetables softer.
             D)  She uses the same method while cooking meat and

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