Page 52 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 52

TEST  3                                                           UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN

        5.                                                     7.
                A Popular Dish
                                                                   •  Bring eggs to room temperature before cooking.
                In The World: Sushi
                                                                   •  Put salt on meat after you grill it.
              Sushi  is  famous  to  be  one  of  the              •   Before chopping onions, hold them under running
              most impressive creations of Japanese cuisine. It is   water.
              the traditional Japan dish. It is a very popular dish
              all around the world. People can eat it everywhere   •   For  perfect  mashed  potatoes,  always  mash
              in the world. It is very easy to make sushi and it is   potatoes when they're hot.
              possible to prepare it at home. The ingredients of   •   Always read and re-read your recipes before you
              sushi are fish, rice, avocado, dried seaweed and       start cooking.
              salt. Japanese serve sushi with tea.

                                                                  Which one cannot be the title of the table above?
            Which information is not correct according to the     A)  Tips For Improving Your Cooking Skills
            text above?
                                                                  B)  Food Experts’ Advice On Cooking
            A)  Sushi belongs to Japan and it is a seafood dish.
                                                                  C)  How To Save Time In the Kitchen
            B)  Sushi  has  five  ingredients  and  you  can  make  it  at   D)  Suggestions For Cooking From Professional Chefs
               your house.
            C)  Sushi is a traditional dish in Japan and very famous
               in the world.
            D)  Only Japanese make sushi in different places of the

                                                               8.  Donna: Welcome to our cookery programme! Today, we
                                                                  have a special guest. He is John Hudak, the head chef
                                                                  of Vanderlyn’s Restaurant. ..................... ?

                                                                  John: Hi, Donna. I’m glad to be here. Well... When I was a
                                                                  child, I watched my mom in the kitchen. She was a great
        6.                I  love  chocolate  very  much.  I  enjoy   cook and prepared delicious meals. In my thirties, I began
                         making  chocolate  sauce  to  put  on  my   to cook the meals for my family and then I improved my
                         ice cream. I want to share my chocolate   cooking skills.
                        sauce recipe with you. First, chop some
                        chocolate into pieces and mix it with some   Donna: .......................................................?
                        milk. Then heat it and stir it until it turns into   John: Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts.
                         a liquid. Finally, put some sugar in it. It's
               Janet      very delicious.                         Donna: .......................................................?

                                                                  John:  Seafood paella. I think it’s a tasty and special dish.
            According to Janet’s talk, you should ................ .
                                                                  Donna: Thank you for coming to our programme, John.
            A)  heat  the  milk  and  chocolate  pieces  together  until
               getting a liquid mixture                           Which  question  does  not  complete  the  dialogue
            B)  add the sugar into the mixture before heating the milk   above?
                                                                  A)  What did you study at university
            C)  first combine the chocolate pieces and sugar after
               chopping the chocolate into pieces                 B)  Which dish do you like cooking most
            D)  mix and heat the sugar and milk before adding the   C)  How did you start cooking
               chocolate pieces                                   D)  What are your special tips for cooking

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