Page 49 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 49

UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN                                                          TEST  2

          13. A restaurant wanted to prepare a menu consisting of its   15.
             customers’ favourite foods. So, the restaurant conducted
             a survey to find out their food preferences. Here are the          Fruit Salad
             results of the survey:                                   1.  Peel two kiwi fruit and two bananas.

                         Customers’ Food Preferences                  2.  Cut them into small pieces.
                 7%     11%    20%     16%    23%    23%              3.  Put them into a bowl and then add a handful
                                                                         of grapes and a handful of cranberries.
                                                                      4.  Cut seven strawberries into halves.
                                                                      5.  Squeeze half a lemon.
                   Lasagna  Vegetable pizza  Grilled chicken  Meatballs  Fish and chips  Mixed kebab  6.  Add the lemon juice and a spoon of honey.

                                                                                                Bon appetite!

                                                                   Which picture does not show one of the steps of the
             Which of the following option is correct according to   recipe above?
             the results of the survey?
                                                                   A)                       B)
             A)  Most of the customers prefer eating vegetable pizzas
                to meatballs.
             B)  Grilled chicken is the most preferred food among the
             C)  Customers prefer mixed kebab and fish and chips at
                the same rate.                                     C)                       D)
             D)  Lasagna  is  as  popular  as  meatballs  among  the

                        How to Make a French Toast
                •   First, put the slices of bread in an oven or a
                 toaster and turn it on.
                •   Then take out the slices of bread when it is red
                 enough.                                        16. Cynthia:  Which  dish  do  you  prefer  cooking  at  home
                •  ................................................................  mostly?

                •  After that, close the toast.                    Sandra: I prefer Turkish ravioli. It is a traditional dish in
                                                                   Turkey. It is hard to make, but it is very delicious, too.
                •  Finally, slice the toast in half and enjoy it.
                                                                   Cynthia: ....................................................... ?

             Which option is appropriate to fill in the blank?     Sandra: Sure, I can. I’m sure you’ll love it.
                                                                   Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.
             A)  Next, chop the bread and put it in the oven again.
             B)  Second,  cook  the  bread  slices  on  lightly  greased   A)  What are the ingredients of this dish
                non - stick pan.                                   B)  How often do you cook this dish
             C)  Put some vegetables on the toast before serving it.  C)  Can you tell me how to make it
             D)  Next, spread butter or jam on the toast.          D)  Can I make this dish alone at home

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   49
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