Page 46 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 46

TEST  2                                                           UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN

        1.      Food      Mike     Nancy    Jason   Emma       3.

             soup                                                                Turkish Pilaf

                                                                     If you want to cook Turkish pilaf, follow the steps.
             Pizza                                                   First, rinse the rice under cold water. Then melt the
             Sushi                                                   butter in a saucepan. Next, put the orzo in it and
                                                                     cook for two minutes. Before it turns brown, add the
             chicken                                                 rice and cook for 3 - 4 minutes stirring continuously.
                                                                     After that, pour the hot water into the pan and add a
                                                                     little salt. Turn down the cooker to a low heat when
                                                                     it starts to boil. Don’t stir it while cooking. Cook for
            What can we understand from the table above?             about 10 - 15 minutes until the rice absorbs all the

            A)  Nancy and Jason prefer vegetable soup, but Jason     water. Finally, take the pan off the heat. Let the rice
               doesn’t prefer seafood dishes.                        cool down for about 5 minutes before serving. Bon

            B)  Mike prefers white meat dishes, but he doesn’t prefer   appetite!
               fast food.
            C)  Emma prefers eating both red and white meat dishes.   In the recipe above, there is NO information about
            D)  Jason  and  Mike  prefer  eating  healthier  food  than   ...... .
               Nancy and Emma.
                                                                  A)  the description of cooking Turkish pilaf
                                                                  B)  the ingredients of Turkish pilaf
                                                                  C)  total cooking time of Turkish pilaf
                                                                  D)  tips for cooking delicious Turkish pilaf
             Like people everywhere, Australians love eating food.
             Beef and lamb are very popular in Australia because
             there are a lot of cattle and sheep. A typical meal is a
             beef steak with green salad and chips. Seafood is also
             very popular. You can see lots of fish and chips shops
             around in Australia. Their prices are low so they're   4.
             very popular. On cold days, Australians usually eat a             NATURE RESTAURANT MENU
             hot meat pie with tomato sauce. However, throughout
             the whole year they have barbecues. They really             Spinach Soup           Rice Pudding
             enjoy it and there are barbecue sites everywhere.           Broccoli Soup
             Many of Australians have a sweet tooth. They like                                  Apple Pie
             desserts and cakes. One of their popular desserts is        Grilled Fish with Rice  Orange Juice
             Pavlova. It is a fruit cake.                                Steak with Spicy Sauce   Milkshake

            Which option is correct according to the text above?
                                                                  According to the restaurant menu above, we say that
            A)  Australians  mostly  prefer  seafood  dishes  to  meat
               dishes.                                            .......... .
            B)  Eating fish and chips with low prices is impossible in   A)  customers  can  eat  only  white  meat  dishes  at  this
               Australia.                                            restaurant
            C)  Having  barbecues  is  a  popular  activity  among   B)  the restaurant doesn’t offer its customers cold drinks
               Australian people.                                 C)  there aren’t any desserts in the menu of the restaurant
            D)  Pavlova is the only popular dessert in Australia and   D)  customers  can  drink  soups  made  from  green
               people make it with fruit.                            vegetables

          46     Grade 8 English
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