Page 45 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 45

UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN                                                          TEST  1

          15. My  father’s  name  is  George.  He  loves  cooking  and   18.
             he is really good at it. He is a leading chef and has a     Hello, there! My name is Amanda. I'm from
             restaurant. He is also the host of the cooking programme,   Britain. I'm a businesswoman. I travel a lot
             30 - Minute Meals in a popular channel. He shares his
             secrets with people in the programme. He’s very happy       because of my work. I like trying different
             because he loves his job.                                   countries' traditional food when I'm on a
                                                                         business trip. I have tried many kinds of
             Which option exists in the text above?
                                                                         food for now, but feijoada is definitely my
             A)  He dislikes preparing meals, but he has to do.          favourite. It is a very popular Brazilian food.
             B)  He works for someone else as a leading chef.            In Brazil, people mix meat and black beans
             C)  He never tells his secrets on cooking to anyone.        with onions, garlic, oranges, different herbs
             D)  He runs his own restaurant but also he presents a TV    and spices. They boil all the ingredients for
                programme.                                                             1 - 2 hours. Some of them
                                                                                       add red - hot chilli sauce
                                                                                       in it. They usually eat it
                                                                                       with Brazilian rice.

                                                                   We can understand from the passage above that .... .

          16. Mandy: Today, I want to talk about my favourite soup.   A)  she  doesn’t  prefer  tasting  popular  food  of  foreign
             This soup is very popular in Spain. There are carrots,   countries
             tomatoes, onions, some herbs and spices in it. Spanish   B)  she  knows  the  traditional  food  recipes  of  her  own
             people put all the ingredients in a large pot and cook it   country
             for about 30 minutes over a medium - heat.            C)  she  prefers  feijoada  more  than  other  food  he  has
             Which question does have no answer in Mia’s talk?        tried before
                                                                   D)  her favourite food doesn’t consist of any kind of meat
             A)  What are the ingredients of the soup?
             B)  What is the name of the soup?
             C)  In which country is this soup popular?
             D)  How do Spanish people make this soup?


                                                                         1.   Mix the eggs, yoghurt and oil in a mixing
                                                                         2.   Preheat the oven at 200°C.

                                                                         3.  Put the mixture into muffin cups.
          17.  Mother: Do you want to have lasagna for dinner, dear?
                                                                         4.   Add some flour, baking powder, sugar,
             Philip: Yes, sure. ...................................        salt and berries.
             Mother: About 45 minutes.                                   5.   Mix all the ingredients.

             Which  of  the  following  question  completes  the         6.   Bake it for about twenty - five minutes.
             dialogue above?                                               Take it out and let it cool.

             A)  How long does it take to cook it?
             B)  What are the ingredients of it?                   Put the steps of the recipe into the correct order.
             C)  What is the process of making it?                 A) 2 - 1 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 6    B) 6 - 1 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 5
             D)  How do you usually cook it?                       C) 4 - 1 - 5 - 2 - 6 - 3   D) 2 - 1 - 4 - 5 - 3 - 6

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