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TEST  2                                                             UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN

        17.                                                    19. Researcher: Excuse me, lady! Do you have a minute?
                  A Tasty Snack: Spanish Omelette
             Ingredients:                                         Lily: Sure. How can I help you?
              • 2 eggs           • 50 g cheese                    Researcher: I’m making a questionnaire study about
              • 2 tomatoes       • butter                         different countries’ cuisine. Would you like to join this
              • 1 white onion    • salt and pepper                study?

             Process:                                             Lily:  Yeah, why not? It sounds interesting. Go ahead!
             1.  Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them until   Researcher: What is your favourite cuisine?
               they're completely mixed.
                                                                  Lily: It is Turkish cuisine but I like Indian cuisine, too.
             2. Add a little salt and pepper into the mixture.
                                                                  Researcher: Why do you prefer these cuisine?
             3.  Heat the butter in a non - stick pan and pour the
                mixture in it.                                    Lily: I love spicy meat dishes and they have many these
             4. Dice the tomatoes and chop the onion.             kinds of dishes.
             5. Put the vegetables on the mixture.                Researcher: Okay. Well, how often do you prefer Turkish

             6. Add the cheese and fold it.                       cuisine?
             It's ready. Bon appetite!                            Lily: Three times a week.
                                                                  We can understand from the dialogue above that
            Which  question  does  not have an answer in the      ............ .
            recipe above?                                         A)  the researcher gives Lily some information about the
            A)  How do you serve Spanish omelette?                   world’s best cuisine
            B)  What do you need to make Spanish omelette?        B)  Lily prefers Indian cuisine to Turkish cuisine, so she
                                                                     eats Indian food very often
            C)  How many steps are there in the recipe?
                                                                  C)  Lily  tells  the  researcher  about  her  favourite  dishes
            D)  What is the next step after cracking and beating the   from world cuisine
                                                                  D)  Lily prefers both Turkish and Indian cuisine because
                                                                     they contain spicy meat dishes

                                                               20. The table below shows Jodie’s preferences on cooking
                                                                  methods for different foods.

                                                                                  grill    fry    roast   steam
        18.   I.  Then, put the coffee pot on medium heat.          vegetables

            II.  First,  put  the  water,  sugar  and  Turkish  coffee  in   chicken
               Turkish coffee pot.
            III. Lastly, pour the coffee into Turkish coffee cup and
               serve with Turkish delight or chocolate.                fish
            IV. Second, stir the ingredients with a teaspoon.     According to the table above, which of the following

            V.  When the mixture is about to boil, take it from the   option can be said?
                                                                  A)  She dislikes grilled fish, so she usually fries it to eat.
            Which of the below is the correct order of the Turkish   B)  She never prefers eating meat dishes cooking in oil.
            coffee recipe?                                        C)  She uses steam to make the vegetables softer.

            A) IV - V - II - I - III     B) II - IV - I - V - III  D)  She uses the same method while cooking meat and
            C) II - IV - III - V - I     D) I - II - III - IV - V    chicken.

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