Page 53 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 53

UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN                                                          TEST  3

          9.  Katie and Craig are at a restaurant now. The table below   11.
             shows their orders.
                                                                          How To Make Homemade Popcorn
                                 Katie            Craig
                                                                           First, put a little oil into a pan.
              Soup          Tomato soup        Broccoli soup
                                                                           Then heat the oil.
                             Steak with tomato
              Main course                      Fish and chips               Next, put 2 kernels of popcorn in the pan
                            sauce                                         and cover the pan.
              Dessert       Apple pie          Rice pudding
              Beverage      Coffee             Tea                          When they start to pop, shake the pan gently
                                                                          every  few  seconds.  In  about  2  minutes,
             Which  of  the  following  option  cannot  be  correct       popping will stop.
             according to the table?                                        After that, turn off the stove and take it into
                                                                          a bowl.
             A)  Both of them like having sweet food and hot drinks.
             B)  Katie prefers meat dishes, but Craig prefers seafood         Finally, sprinkle some salt on it.
                dishes.                                                             Enjoy it! Yummy!
             C)  They both prefer eating a bowl of vegetable soup as
                the starter.
             D)  The dishes they prefer as the main course are made   Which  option  is  correct  according  to  the  recipe
                with red meat.                                     above?
                                                                   A)  You should put the corns in the pan before heating
                                                                      the oil.
                                                                   B)  It  takes  more  than  2  minutes  to  stop  popping  the
                                                                   C)  You need only three ingredients to make homemade
          10.                                                         popcorn.
                       HOW TO MAKE PANCAKES                        D)  The last step of the recipe is to take the popcorn into
                                                                      a bowl.
                 First, mix 2 eggs and 2 teaspoons of sugar for
                about 1 - 2 minutes. Second, put 2 glasses of milk
                and mix again. Next, add 3 glasses of flour and 1   12.                       Louis        Emily
                packet of baking soda. Then pour a tablespoon of
                oil in the pan and put it on the stove. After that, pour   The food you never eat  cauliflower   mushy
                the mixture in small sizes. Finally, cook it for about                        cheese       peas
                1 - 2 minutes on medium heat and turn it over. After   The food you are    chicken curry  meatballs
                you cook all of them completely, serve them with     crazy about
                some honey, jam or chocolate.                        The drink you prefer      coke        milk
                                                                     The food you eat        omelette      pasta
                                                                     every day
             Which of the following option is correct according to
             the recipe above?                                     Louis and Emily are siblings. The chart above gives
                                                                   information about their eating habits.
             A)  There are only dry ingredients on the list of the recipe.  Which one can we say according to the information
             B)  You shouldn’t put the milk before you mix the eggs   in the chart?
                and sugar.
                                                                   A)  They prefer meat dishes to vegetable dishes.
             C)  Pour all of the mixture in the pan and cook it for 1 - 2
                minutes.                                           B)  They both prefer healthy drinks.
             D)  You should mix all the ingredients at the same time   C)  Both of them like eating vegetable dishes.
                to make it.                                        D)  They don’t like pasta and omelette at all.

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