Page 54 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 54

TEST  3                                                           UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN

        13.                                                    15. The chart below shows the results of a study on food
                                  Sandra  loves  cooking          preferences of 100 people in Britain.
                                  and  she  often  helps  her
                                  mother in the kitchen. She                  Food              Number of people
                                  enjoys  trying  dishes  of
                                  different countries’ cuisine.     Spaghetti (Italy)                  31
                                  Today,  she  is  making           Chicken Tikka Masala (India)       26
                                  menemen. It is one of the
                                  most  popular  dishes  in         Hamburger (America)                19
                                  Turkey.  It  is  very  easy  to
                                  make. Here is the recipe:         Kebab (Turkey)                     17
              • First, wash and chop some green peppers.            Sushi (Japan)                      7
              • Second, peel some tomatoes and dice them.
                                                                  Which of the following is correct according to the
              •  Then, put some olive oil in a frying pan and heat   results?
                                                                  A)  The most and the least popular dishes belong to the
              •  Next, put the vegetables in it and cook them for    same country.
                15 - 20 minutes.
                                                                  B)  Sushi  is  very  popular  among  British  people,  but
              •  After that, crack two eggs into the pan and add     spaghetti is more popular than it.
                some salt and chilli pepper.
                                                                  C)  Most of British people prefer a food in Italian cuisine
              •  Finally,  turn  off  the  heat  when  the  eggs  are   to a food in American cuisine.
                                                                  D)  Many  British  people  like  kebab  more  than  chicken
                                                                     tikka masala and hamburger.
            According to the information and the recipe above,
            which one is correct?
            A)  She is really good at cooking, so she enjoys cooking   16.
               different meals.
            B)  She likes eating a very popular Turkish dish named
               menemen very much.
            C)  There are six steps in the recipe and you need six                                  TASTY &
               ingredients for cooking menemen.                                                 INDISPENSABLE
            D)  You should first crack the eggs into the pan before    Are you interested in Brazil cuisine?
               adding the vegetables while making menemen.             Do you like meat and seafood dishes the most?
                                                                       Would you like to taste traditional Brazilian food?
                                                                       You can try moqueca, feijoada, farofa, bacalhao
                                                                          and more in our restaurant.
                                                                     Place: 246, West Street, London
                                                                     Open: 10 a.m. - 11 p.m.
                                                                     For reservation: 0 555 679 31 46
        14. Some guests are going to come to your house tomorrow
            evening. You want to cook a special meal for them, but   Which of the following can be correct according to
            you don’t know any special recipes. Your close friend is   the brochure above?
            a good cook and he / she can help you about that.
                                                                  A)  You  can  make  a  reservation  before  going  to  this
            How do you ask for help from his / her?
            A)  Do you have any cooking tips for your favourite dish?  B)  This restaurant serves traditional dishes of different
            B)  Can you tell me the process of making a special dish?  countries.
            C)  Can you describe how to make a Mexican omelette?  C)  This restaurant is in Brazil and open all day long.
            D)  How many steps are there in your special recipe?  D)  You can order every kind of food in this restaurant.

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