Page 48 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 48

TEST  2                                                           UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN

        9.  Turkish  ravioli  is  one  of  the  traditional  Turkish  dishes   11.
            you must try at least once. (I) You can easily find the   Maggie's Blog
            ingredients  of  Turkish  ravioli  everywhere  else.  (II)
            Although its ingredients are simple, the correct way of
            making Turkish ravioli is very tedious. (III) Turkish ravioli   Today, I want to share my favourite cookie recipe with
            is an easy dish to make, so Turkish women usually prefer   you. It is easy to bake. You should just follow the steps.
            making it. (IV) Since it is hard to make it, some women   First, mix two eggs and 200 grams butter in a large
            come together to make it as quick as possible.           bowl. Second, put a glass of powdered sugar and mix
                                                                     them about five minutes. Then add a cup of olive oil
            Find the irrelevant sentence in the text above.          and some chocolate chips. Next, knead it well until you

            A) I         B) II        C) III         D) IV           get soft dough. After that, you can shape the cookies
                                                                     with an ice - cream spoon or roll it. Finally, bake them
                                                                     at 180°C in preheated oven about fifteen minutes.

                                                                  Which option is false according to Maggie’s blog?
                                                                  A)  Maggie describes how to make her favourite cookie
                                                                     in her blog.
                                                                  B)  You should knead the dough before you shape the
                                                                  C)  Shaping the cookies is the last step of the recipe.
        10.                                                       D)  You should heat the oven before putting the cookies
                          MIRACLE RESTAURANT                         into it.

                      SOUP             Carrot Salad                           My Favourite Dish: Pasta
                                       Tomato Salad
                  Lentil Soup
                  Tomato Soup          Mixed Salad                 Hello, everybody! I want to give you my recipe of
                  Chicken Soup                                     pasta. First, you should put a liter of water into a
                  Fish Soup                                        pot and boil it. Then you should add some salt and
                  Potato Soup             DESSERT
                                       Apple Pie                   put a packet of pasta in the water. You should boil it
                        MAIN                                       about ten minutes and stir it for a few times. Next, you
                       COURSE          Chocolate Cake
                                       Ice Cream                   should turn off the stove and drain the pasta with a
                   Meatball                                        strainer. After that, you should take it out onto a plate.
                   Grilled Chicken                                 Finally, you should mix it with your favourite tomato
                   Mixed Kebab            BEVERAGE
                   Spaghetti           Coee                       sauce. You can sprinkle some grated cheese on it if
                   Fish and Chips      Tea                         you want. Bon appetite!
                                                                  Which  of  the  following  sentence  can  be  correct
                                                                  according to the text above?
            What can we say according to the menu above?
            A)  Customers  can  order  vegetable  soups  and  meat   A)  You  need  more  than  six  ingredients  to  make  this
               dishes at this restaurant.                            pasta.
            B)  If you have a sweet tooth, there is nothing to eat at   B)  After boiling the water, put some salt and a packet of
               this restaurant.                                      pasta in it.
            C)  This  restaurant  serves  only  cold  drinks  and  meat   C)  You should prepare sauce made with grated tomatoes
               dishes to its customers.                              and cheese to add in this pasta.
            D)  You  can’t  eat  red  meat  and  seafood  dishes  at  this   D)  Strainer  is  the  only  kitchen  tool  mentioned  in  the
               restaurant.                                           recipe.

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