Page 44 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 44

TEST  1                                                           UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN

        11.  World Health Organization has made some suggestions   13.
            for people all around the world to stay healthy during the     FLAPJACKS: A BRITISH SNACK
            pandemic, COVID - 19. Here are these suggestions:
                                                                     1. Preheat the oven to 180˚C.
                                                                     2. Melt 125 gr butter over a low heat.
                 Prefer cooking meals at home to eating out.
                                                                     3.  Add 125 gr brown sugar and 2 - 3 tablespoons
                Drink lots of water every day.
                                                                       of golden syrup and stir until it dissolves.
                 Reduce the amount of salt and sugar you use.
                                                                     4.  Remove  from  the  heat  and  mix  in  250  gr
                Eat fresh vegetables and fruits.
                                                                       porridge oats.
                Prefer white meat to red meat.
                                                                     5.  Pour the mixture into a large lined or greased
                                                                       baking tin and squish down using the spoon.
            Find the person that follows one of the suggestions
            offered by World Health Organization.                                      6.  Bake for 25 minutes until
            A)  Paige: I usually prefer fish soup and grilled chicken
               to meatballs.                                                           7.  Once cooked, leave them
                                                                                         to  cool  for  15  minutes
            B)  Oliver: I always eat a dessert every day after I finish                  then cut into squares.
               my main course.
            C)  Cindy: I go to my favourite restaurant to have dinner
               in the evenings.                                   According to the recipe above, ....... .
            D)  Kevin: I don’t prefer homemade foods, so I usually   A)  you  need  more  than  five  ingredients  to  make  the
               eat fast food.                                        snack
                                                                  B)  you should heat the oven before putting the mixture
                                                                     in it
        12. A  research  company  conducted  a  survey  about  the
            cooking  methods  that  English  women  usually  prefer   C)  you should let the snack cool after cutting into squares
            making  their  meals.  The  number  of  English  women   D)  you  should  bake  the  mixture  for  40  minutes  totally
            joining the survey is 200. Here are the results:         before serving

                      steaming          boiling
                              10    43          roasting       14.
                         45                28       baking           Steve and Andy are good friends. They love eating
                                            20                       delicious dishes belonging to different countries
                                  54                                 around the world. Steve’s favourite dish is paella.
                                                                     It’s a traditional dish of Spain. It has got seafood,
                                               grilling              rice, garlic, different herbs and spices in it. It’s very
                                                                     popular in Spain. Sushi is Andy’s favourite dish. It’s
            Which of the following option can we say according       a traditional food of Japan. It’s also very popular in
            to the results above?                                    many countries. People in Japan make it with tuna,

            A)  Most  of  the  women  in  England  prefer  roasting  to   rice, vinegar, salt and sugar.
               frying when they cook meals.
            B)  Many  of  English  women  prefer  boiling  more  than   According to the text above, ........ .
               frying for cooking meals.
                                                                  A)  paella is a vegetable dish, but sushi is a seafood dish
            C)  Grilling is the most preferred cooking method among
               English women.                                     B)  the foods they like most belong to the same country
            D)  The number of English women roasting meals is less   C)  their favourite dishes are very popular worldwide
               than those baking meals.                           D)  rice is the common ingredient in paella and sushi

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