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UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN                                                          TEST  1

          6.                                                    8.  Adam:  I  want  to  make  an  omelette  for  breakfast  this
                                Irish stew                         morning, but I don’t know how to make it.
                    The Irish traditionally serve this dish on     Jasmine: It’s easy to make. Let me tell you how to make it.
                    St. Patrick’s Day. It is a very tasty dish.    Adam: Really? That’s great. Please, tell it.
                   They make it with lamb, potatoes, carrots,
                      onions, parsley, herbs and spices.           Jasmine: ............., put some butter or oil in a pan and
                       They roast it in the oven for about         begin heating. ............., crack two eggs into a bowl and
                        2 hours at a low temperature.              beat them until they are mixed thoroughly. .................. add
                                                                   some salt. ............., add a tablespoon of milk and some
                                                                   cheese into the mixture. ............. pour the mixture into
             According to the text above, which option can we      the hot pan.
             say about Irish stew?                                 Adam: Thank you so much.
             A)  The  Irish  use  two  different  ways  of  cooking  while   Fill in the blanks with the adverbs of sequence to
                preparing it.                                      complete the dialogue.
             B)  It takes more than two hours to cook this dish.   A)  First / Then / Second / After that / Finally
             C)  It is a traditional and special red meat dish for the   B)  First / Second / Then / After that / Finally
             D)  You need lots of ingredients to make it, but meat isn’t   C)  Then / First / Finally / After that / Next
                one of them.                                       D)  After that / Then / First / Second / Finally

                                                                      2 glasses of milk     2 teaspoons of sugar
                                                                      3 glasses of flour     1 packet of baking powder

                                                                   What is the suitable title for the list above?
          7.  George  and  Meredith  have  similar  eating  habits.   A) Kitchen tools   B) Cooking methods
             Yesterday, they met at a restaurant for dinner. The lists   C) Ingredients   D) Steps of a dessert
             below show their orders.
                  George’s orders        Meredith’s orders
                    Tomato soup            Noodle soup          10.
                    Fish and chips         Grilled chicken                      HOW TO MAKE PASTA
                    Green salad            Carrot salad              Boil some water in a large pot.
                    Rice pudding           Cherry parfait            Add a packet of pasta.
                    Lemonade               Orange juice              Cook it about 10 minutes.

                                                                     Drain it with a strainer.
             Which of the following option can we say according
             to the information and the lists above?                 Prepare some tomato sauce.
                                                                     Place the pasta on a plate and pour the sauce on it.
             A)  They  both  preferred  a  white  meat  dish  as  a  main
                                                                   Which one is correct according to the recipe above?
             B)  They both started their meals with a bowl of vegetable
                soup.                                              A)  You need some kitchen tools to make pasta.
             C)  Both of them drank hot beverages with their desserts.  B)  There are seven steps of cooking pasta.
             D)  Both of them had salads with green vegetables as   C)  You should put the pasta into the cold water.
                the starter.                                       D)  You should cook the pasta more than 10 minutes.

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   43
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