Page 60 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 60

TEST  1                                                             UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE

        1.  Clara: Clara is speaking.                                Answer the questions (3 - 4) according to the

            Jonathan: Hi, Clara. It’s Jonathan. Is your brother in? May   information and the graphic below.
            I speak to him?                                    A research company conducted a survey study on people’s

            Clara: Hang on a minute, please. I’ll check if he is in. (five   communication preferences. 500 people joined the survey
            minutes later) I’m afraid he is fixing his car in the garage   study. Here are the results of the study:
            right now. Do you want to leave a message?
            Jonathan: Sure. Can you please tell him that Jonathan            10 people  16 people
            called? It is important.                                                            236 people
                                                                        53 people
            Clara: All right. .....................................
            Complete  the  conversation  with  the  appropriate
            option.                                                   61 people
            A)  He’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
            B)  I’m not sure he will call you back soon.
            C)  I think he is available all day long to call you.         124 people
            D)  I guess he will meet up his friends at 3 p.m. today.
                                                                      using social networks   talking face to face
                                                                      making a phone call     texting a message
                                                                      sending an email        writing a letter

                                                               3.  What  can  we  say  according  to  the  results  of  the
                                                                  survey study above?
         2.                                                       A)  The  number  of  people  sending  emails  is  less  than
              Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone     those talking face to face.
              in 1876. It was an important invention in history
              because communication among people became           B)  Most of the people prefer making phone calls to using
              very  easy  thanks  to  it.  Then,  Martin  Cooper     social networks.
              invented  the  first  cell  phone  in  1973.  Today,   C)  Texting  messages  is  one  of  the  most  preferred
                        people  use  smartphones.  With  the         communication ways among people.
                            help  of  technology,  telephones     D)  Only a few people would rather write letters to keep in
                               change a lot and people can           touch with other people.
                                 connect  each  other  faster
                                  and cheaper. As a result,
                                  telephone  becomes  an
                                  essential part of our lives.

            Which of the following sentence is correct according   4.  The graphic above doesn’t tell us that ......... .
            to the text above?                                    A)  online  communication  is  the  most  popular  way  of

            A)  The invention of telephone didn’t provide people to   communication among people
               connect easily.                                    B)  writing letters isn’t a popular way of communication
            B)  Smartphones have both useful and harmful sides.      among people
            C)  People  don’t  need  their  telephones  much  to   C)  people  like  texting  messages  more  than  sending
               communicate in today’s world.                         emails for communication
            D)  Telephone technology is improving and it makes our   D)  face to face communication is the fourth popular way
               lives easier.                                         among people

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