Page 64 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 64

TEST  2                                                            UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE

        1.  Evelyn: I prefer sending letters or postcards to my friends   3.
            and relatives when I don’t see them for a long time.      Britney: Visual Airlines. Britney is speaking. How
                                                                      may I help you?
            Robert: I usually meet up and talk face to face with my
            friends because I like interactive communication.         Scott: Hello! I'd like to make a reservation from
                                                                      New York to Moscow on 24th September.
            Kate: I use some social network sites such as Facebook,
            Instagram, WhatsApp and X to keep in touch with people.   Britney: All right. Single or return?
            Gareth: I like using my smartphone for communication      Scott: Single, please.
            and I send text messages or e-mails to my friends.        Britney: Business or economy class?

            According to the information above, who uses online       Scott: Economy class.
            communication?                                            Britney: Okay. Could I have your name, birthday

            A) Gareth    B) Kate   C) Robert     D) Evelyn            and phone number, please?
                                                                      Scott: Scott Walker. My date of birth is April 9,1987.
                                                                      And my phone number is 4395615.

                                                                      Britney: Your flight is reserved. The flight leaves
                                                                      from New York at 11 a.m. and arrives in Moscow at
                                                                      8 p.m. You must confirm your reservation via our
                                                                      website in three days.
                                                                      Scott: Okay. Thank you.
                                                                      Britney: You're welcome. Have a good flight.
        2.  Sue: Hello. Can I speak to Lisa?

            Bob: I’m sorry, she is not at home now. Can I ask who’s   In the conversation above, there is NO information
            calling?                                              about the .... .
            Sue: I’m her project partner, Sue.                    A) ticket price          B) departure time
            Bob: Would you like to leave a message?               C) destination of the flight   D) date of the flight

            Sue: Sure. Could you tell her to call Mr. Hemingway as
            soon as possible? It’s urgent.

            Bob: Sure. Does she have his number?
            Sue: I’m not sure. Let me tell you his number.
                                                               4.  Miley:  Hello,  Rainbow  Company.  You’ve  reached  the
            Bob: OK. Could you hold on a moment, please? I’ll note   marketing department. How can I help you?
            a memo for her. What is it?
                                                                  Mr. Baldwin: Hi, can I speak to Mrs. Donald, please?
            Sue: It’s 174 - 836 - 13.                             Miley: Who is calling, please?
            Bob: Is it 174 - 836 - 13? Right?
                                                                  Mr. Baldwin: It is David Baldwin here.
            Sue: Yeah, right.
                                                                  Miley: Certainly. Please, hold on. I’ll put you through.
            Bob: OK. I’ll tell her when she gets back. Bye.
                                                                  Mr. Baldwin: Thank you!
            Sue: Thanks a lot. Bye.
                                                                  According to the phone conversation, which of the
            We can understand from the conversation above that    following option is false?
            .......... .
                                                                  A)  Mr. Baldwin is the person who wants to talk to Mrs.
            A)  Sue and Bob talk about their project on the phone    Donald.
            B)  Lisa doesn’t certainly have Mr. Hemingway’s number   B)  Miley is working in the marketing department.
            C)  Lisa picks up the phone, but Bob wants to talk to Sue   C)  Miley will connect Mr. Baldwin to Mrs. Donald.
            D)  Bob wants Sue to introduce herself when she calls  D)  Mr. Baldwin is the owner of the company.

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