Page 67 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 67

UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE                                                            TEST  2

          14.                                                   16. Mandy: Hello. Mandy speaking.

                                                                   Chris: Hi, Mandy. It’s Chris. Can I speak to Edward,

                                                                   Mandy: Oh, hi, Chris. I’m afraid he has gone out with his

                                                                   Chris: ...........................................
                                                                   Mandy: I guess he’ll be at home in the evening. .........?

                                                                   Chris: Yes, sure. Could you tell him to call me back,
              Hello, there! My name is Julia. I think communication   please? It’s about the school project.
              among  people  is  so  important  to  have  strong   Mandy: Okay. ................................ ?
              relationships.  Also,  communication  is  a  need  for   Chris: Actually, I’m not sure. Let me tell you my number.
              people  to  express  their  feelings  and  opinions  to
              each other. That’s why people used different ways    Mandy: All right. Hold on a moment, please. I’ll note a
              to communicate in history. Smoke signal, messenger   memo for him.
              bird,  the  printing  machine,  the  telegraph  and  the   Find the question that is not used to complete any of
              first  telephone  are  some  of  these  examples.  In   the blanks in the dialogue.
              today’s  world,  people  use  modern  technology  to
              communicate with each other. I usually prefer social   A)  Do you want to leave a message
              networking sites because you can share your videos,   B)  Does he have your number
              photos, music, opinions, etc. with people. It’s always   C)  Could I leave a message for him, please
              more fun to use them. Sometimes I send e-mails       D)  When will he be back
              to my friends. I don’t like talking face to face much.
              Online communication is definitely for me.

             According to the text above, which option cannot
             be correct?
                                                                17.                     Tracey   Simon    Mandy
             A)  He is talking about in what ways people communicated
                                                                    making a phone call
                throughout history.
                                                                    using social networks
             B)  The  text  tells  about  the  latest  technological
                                                                    sending an email
                developments in communication.
                                                                    texting a message
             C)  He thinks, social networking sites are fun a way to
                                                                    sending a letter or a
                communication.                                      postcard               –        –
             D)  He likes online communication so he doesn’t prefer
                speaking with people face to face more.            (        :  always,       :  usually,    :  often,
                                                                      : sometimes,  : rarely, – : never)
                                                                   Which one is correct according to the table above?
          15. Sandra  has  many  applications  on  her  smartphone.
             The application she uses most is about ...... . She loves   A)  They  prefer  using  social  networks  more  than  the
             cooking.                                                 other ways of communication.
             Find the suitable option for the blank.               B)  All  of  them  usually  prefer  texting  a  message  to
                                                                      sending an email.
             A)  learning new recipes
                                                                   C)  Making  a  phone  call  is  the  most  popular  way  of
             B)  helping the people in need                           communication among them.
             C)  improving foreign languages                       D)  Both of them sometimes send a letter or a postcard
             D)  buying something online                              to their friends.

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   67
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