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P. 72

TEST  3                                                            UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE


                    Timothy                  Margaret                    Steven
                  I mostly use my                                                               I think the best
                   smartphone to              I'm crazy              I usually use my              way to
                   keep in touch             about online             smartphone to             communicate
                      with my              communication.             read the news            with my friends is
                  friends via text           I have many              online and do            social networks. I
                    messages.                social media             research about           also like sending
                    I really  like           accounts. I                my school               e-mails to my
                    using short             usually share            assignments on           friends, especially
                  combinations of           my photos and             the Net. I also            when I want
                  numbers, words           videos on social            make phone                to share my
                 and symbols. For            media by my                 calls to              homework. I use
                 example, number             smartphone.              communicate             my smartphone to
                   4 means "for".                                     with my family.            do them all.

            According to the information above, who uses his / her smartphone to learn what happens in the world every day?

            A) Margaret                   B) Steven                    C) Timothy                    D) Elizabeth

        17.  Teenagers have a lot of applications on their smartphones and they use them for different purposes. Here are some of

                                 I have many smartphone applications on my phone, but mostly, I use one of them to play
                          Tony   educative games. Sometimes, I order something to eat.

                                   Emily  I always keep up with the latest fashion, so I often buy my clothes online.
                                          Therefore, I think shopping application on my smartphone is the best for me.

                                 I am really into learning a foreign language, so I use language or dictionary applications on
                          Mert   my smartphone.

                                  Naomi    I enjoy cooking and I like traveling to different countries, so I always use the
                                           smartphone applications to learn new recipes and find my way.

            Which of the following is not correct according to the speech bubbles above?

            A)  If Naomi wants to learn how to cook something, she uses one of the applications on her smartphone.
            B)  Tony uses his smartphone more for ordering food than playing educational games.
            C)  Emily does online shopping because she likes wearing trendy clothes.
            D)  Mert uses smartphone applications to improve and practice his foreign language.

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