Page 70 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 70

TEST  3                                                            UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE

        10.                                                    12. These pictures below show the ways of communication
                                                                  that  Kevin,  Sandy,  Mike  and  Becky  mostly  use  to
                                                                  communicate with people in their lives.

                          Music        Camera                               Kevin                  Sandy

                         Gallery      WhatsApp                              Becky                  Mike

                                                                  Which one is correct according to the information
                                                                  and the pictures above?
                                                                  A)  Sandy  and  Kevin  use  old - fashioned  ways  of
            Selim has some applications on his smartphone and he     communication to keep in touch with others.
            wants to share his videos online.                     B)  Mike  usually  socializes  with  others  in  person  and
                                                                     sometimes makes voice calls on their mobile phones.
            Which one should he click?
                                                                  C)  Both Becky and Sandy always exchange messages
            A)          B)          C)         D)                    daily through social networking sites.
                                                                  D)  Becky  doesn’t  use  online  communication  and  her
                                                                     communication preference is text messaging.

                                                                     Amy: There are different ways of communication.
        11.                                                          Using social networks is one of the most popular
                                                                     methods to communicate in today’s world. I like
             Nowadays, teenagers generally use smartphones for       using them, too but not often. However, I usually
             different purposes. They believe that their phones are   prefer  phoning  my  family  members  and  my
             their real life. However, in this century our teenagers   friends. Sometimes, I send emails to my teachers
             do not know how to talk or how to ask a question        and my classmates when I want to share photos
             face to face. They learn everything from their phones.   and homework. But I don’t like old-fashioned
             They can get information quickly via their phones, but   communication ways like letters or postcards at all.
             they spend less time with their families and friends.
             They forget speaking because they prefer texting     According to Amy’s talk, she .... .
             messages instead of speaking. Teenagers should
             know that smartphones don’t solve their problems.    A)  uses only one communication way to keep in touch
                                                                     with other people
            What is the best title for the text above?            B)  prefers making phone calls more than using social
            A)  Bad Effects of Smartphones on Teenagers
                                                                  C)  enjoys writing letters or postcards for communication
            B)  Good Sides of Smartphones                            at least
            C)  Communication by Smartphones                      D)  finds sending emails the most useful communication
            D)  A Modern Technology: Smartphone                      way for students

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