Page 66 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 66

TEST  2                                                            UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE

        10. Amber:  How  do  you  usually  communicate  with  your   12.
            Rachel: You know that I live another city to study physics
            at university. I really miss them so much. I want to see
            their faces and hear their voices. That’s why I usually
            .......... .
            Choose the suitable option to complete the blank in    Robert: Hello!
            the dialogue.                                          Stefanie: Hello, this is Stefanie calling. May I speak
            A) have a video chat     B) make a phone call          to Michael?
            C) send text messages    D) talk face to face          Robert: Could I ask who is calling?
                                                                   Stefanie: Oh, sorry! I’m his friend, Stefanie.

                                                                   Robert:  Please,  hang  on.  I’ll  get  him.  Michael!
                                                                   Michael!... I’ll guess he’s not at home. Can I take your
        11.               I usually make phone calls to get in
                         touch with my friends, but I like using   Stefanie: Could you tell him that we’ll meet up at 7
                                                                   p.m. at the Sunshine Cafe, please?
                         social networks, too. I sometimes send
                        emails to my teachers and classmates       Robert: Meet up at ... Sorry! What did you say? I can’t
                        about our school assignments. However,     hear you well.

               Daisy     I  never  write  letters  or  postcards  to   Stefanie: We’ll meet up at 7 p.m. at the Sunshine Cafe.
                          communicate with people.
                                                                   Robert: Okay. Got it. I’ll note a memo for him.
                          I’m crazy about using social networks
                         for communication. I can share photos,   We can understand from the dialogue above that .... .
                         videos, music, etc. with my friends via   A)  Stefanie wants Robert to repeat what he has just said
                        social networks. I rarely text messages      because she doesn’t understand
                         and  make  phone  calls.  I  also  prefer   B)  Stefanie  offers  Robert  to  meet  up  at  7  p.m.  at  the
              Nicholas     talking face-to-face with my friends.     Sunshine Cafe on the phone
                                                                  C)  there  is  no  problem  about  the  line  while  they  are
                          I  sometimes  write  letters  to  my       talking on the phone
                         grandparents.  I  like  talking  on  the
                         phone with my friends very much. Also,   D)  Michael  is  not  available  when  Stefanie  phones,  so
                        I use emails and social networking sites     she leaves a message for him
                        to  keep  in  touch  with  my  friends  and
                         my family. However, I never use text
               Abigail    messages.                            13.               Pros of Smartphones

                                                                      • Easy way of keeping in touch

            Which of the following can we say according to the        • Provide an easy Internet connection
            information above?
                                                                      • Rescue for emergency

            A)  They  all  use  online  communication,  but  Nicholas

               likes social networks the most.                        • ..............................................
            B)  Daisy  and  Abigail  use  old - fashioned  ways  of   Which option is appropriate for the blank?
               communication, but Nicholas doesn’t.
                                                                  A)  Hold security risks
            C)  Daisy enjoys making phone calls more than Nicholas
               and Abigail.                                       B)  Disturb the concentration
            D)  Nicholas  and  Abigail  only  use  new - fashioned   C)  Carry in your clothes easily
               communication ways.                                D)  Cause addiction

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