Page 73 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 73

UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE                                                           TEST  4

             Answer the questions (1 - 2) according to the phone    3.  Mr. Watson: Hello, Mr. Simpson. My car’s tyre is blown
            conversation between Mr. Swenson and the secretary.    out. It stayed on the road. Please, help me as soon as
                                                                   possible. I have an important meeting at 3 p.m. and I
                                                                   must attend it on time.
           Secretary: Hello! Oxcorp Company. How can I help you?
                                                                   Mr. Simpson: Don’t worry, Mr. Watson. Tell me where you
           Mr. Swenson: Hello! I’d like to talk to the manager.    are and I will ...................... .

           Secretary: ………….................…. ?                    Which of the options is appropriate to fill in the blank
           Mr. Swenson: It’s Michael Swenson, his lawyer.          in the conversation above?
           Secretary: Let me try to connect you. (after seconds) I’m   A)  send a tyre changer to help you
           sorry, Mr. Swenson. The line is engaged. ……………..        B)  join the meeting instead of you
           Mr. Swenson: Sure! No problem. I’m waiting.             C)  find the location of their garage
                                                                   D)  try to understand what the problem is
           Secretary: It’s still engaged. ………………….. ?
           Mr. Swenson: Can you tell him to call me back as soon as
           possible? He has my number.
                                                                4.  Mrs. Anderson: Hello, the Anderson family.
           Secretary: Sure!
                                                                   Daniel: Hello, this is Daniel calling. I’m Peter’s school
           Mr. Swenson: Thank you! Have a good day.                friend. Is he there?
           Secretary: Have a good day, too.                        Mrs. Anderson: I’m sorry, but it is a bad line. ..........

                                                                   Daniel: Sure. I’m Peter’s school friend, Daniel. Can I
                                                                   speak to him, please?

                                                                   Mrs. Anderson: Hold on a moment, please. I’ll get him.
                                                                   Which option do you use to complete the dialogue?

                                                                   A)  Could you call back later, please?
                                                                   B)  Could I ask who is calling?
                                                                   C)  Could I take your name and number, please?
          1.  Which of the questions does not the secretary ask
             Mr. Swenson?                                          D)  Could you please repeat that?

             A)  Can you hold the line, please
             B)  May I ask your name, please                    5.  You are a university student and you don’t live in the
             C)  Would you like to leave a message
                                                                   same city with your parents. You miss them so much
             D)  Can you call back later, please                   and  have  video  chats  with  them  very  often.  Now,
                                                                   you’re communicating with them via the video chat and
                                                                   suddenly, one of your teachers calls you on the phone.
                                                                   You must answer it.
                                                                   What do you say to your parents?

                                                                   A)  Oh!  My  teacher  is  calling.  I  have  to  finish  the
                                                                      conversation. See you later!
          2.  According  to  the  phone  conversation  above,  Mr.
             Swenson …. .                                          B)  My phone is ringing. It is my teacher. I don’t want to
                                                                      answer the phone.
             A)  is the manager of the company
                                                                   C)  My teacher is calling. But it is not important. Let’s go
             B)  doesn’t know who the manager is                      on chatting.
             C)  is the manager’s lawyer                           D)  Oh,  my  phone  is  ringing.  I’m  not  available  at  the
             D)  will call the manager back on his mobile             moment. I’ll get back to the caller later.

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