Page 84 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 84

TEST  2                                                             UNIT 5: THE INTERNET

        8.  Hello,  there!  My  name  is  Mandy.  I’m  an  eighth  grade   11.
            student. I usually use the Internet to send e - mails with   Bob Thomas, an engineer, created the first virus,
            attachments to my teachers and my classmates about      Creeper in 1971. Its message was “I’m the creeper:
            our school projects. However, I have accounts on social   catch me if you can.”
            networking  sites.  I  like  uploading  videos  and  writing
            comments about my friends’ photos via these sites.      In late 1971, an engineer, Ray Tomlinson sent the
            Find the icon that is not mentioned in the text above.  first modern email. He used the @ symbol in his
            A)          B)          C)         D)
                                                                    In 1989, a young computer scientist, Alan Emtage,
                                                                    was  studying  at  Montreal’s  McGill  University
                                                                    in  Canada.  He  built  a  single,  easily  searchable
                                                                    database for students to access information. Mike
                                                                    Parker  and  Bill  Heelan  helped  him  develop  the
                                                                    system. They called it “Archie”.

        9.                                                          An American journalist, Justin Hall began blogging
              Hello, everybody! My name is Chloe. I like using      in  1994.  He  wrote  openly  about  his  relationships,
              the Internet a lot, but I know that it can be very    passions, plans and fears. More and more readers
              dangerous if we follow online safety rules. I want    were attracted to his site fascinated by his daily blogs.
              to give you some tips for staying safe online. First
              of  all,  you  shouldn't  ........
              because  if  someone  signs                         According  to  the  information  given  above,  what
              in for you, he / she can do                         cannot we say?
              anything dangerous using                            A)  Both  of  Ray  Tomlinson  and  Bob  Thomas  were  an
              your identity.                                         engineer, but they succeeded to do different things in
                                                                     the Internet world.
                                                                  B)  A message appeared on people’s computer screen
            Choose the appropriate option for the blank.
                                                                     when Creeper entered their computer.
            A)  share your password with anyone except your parents   C)  The first modern email was sent with the @ symbol
            B)  forget  that  online  friends  are  not  the  same  as  real   by an engineer called Ray Tomlinson.
               in-person friends                                  D)  Justin Hall first gave information about the Internet in
            C)  create passwords that are difficult for people to guess   his blog, but then he shared his personal life with his
            D)  ask your parents and teachers about the safe sites   readership.
               for you

                                                               12. Keanu: Are you connected to the Internet all the time?
                                                                  Rebecca: ............................................... .

        10. Steve: ..........................................................    Keanu: Are you always online?
            Rose: I usually do shopping, read news, watch videos   Rebecca: No, never. I find it harmful.
            and log in social networks.                           Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.
            Which question does Steve ask Rose?
                                                                  A)  I don’t think so. I can’t live without the Internet.
            A)  How often do you use the Internet?                B)  I can do many things on the Net with my smartphone.
            B)  What do you generally do when you are online?     C)  I don’t understand. What do you mean?
            C)  How many hours a day do you use the Internet?     D)  Certainly, my brother because he is almost always
            D)  Do you usually do shopping on the Internet?          online.

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