Page 85 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 85

UNIT 5: THE INTERNET                                                            TEST  2

          13. Fiona and Linda are good friends. They have something    Answer the questions 15 and 16 according
             in common and one of them is surfing on the Internet.       to the information and the chart below.
             They  are  subscribers  of  some  blogs.  They  decided
             to subscribe the same blog. Here are the lists of their   This chart below shows the results of a survey study about
             personal interests:                                the aims of the Internet use among teenagers in Turkey.

                    Fiona                     Linda                                          Sharing photos and videos
                 ✦ Cooking                ✦ Technology               5%                      Playing online games
                 ✦ Sports                 ✦ Astronomy              10%                       Following articles in
                 ✦ Fashion                ✦ Dressing styles                     40%          technology blogs
                                                                     15%                     Listening to music
             Choose the name of the blog that both Fiona and                                 Reading e-books
             Linda can subscribe.

             A)  Discover The Latest Electronical Devices       15. According  to  the  chart,  the  least  usage  of  the
             B)  Tasty Dishes of Different Countries               Internet among Turkish teens is .... .
             C)  The Latest Fashion Trends                         A)  sharing videos and photos
             D)  Tips For Keeping Yourself Fit
                                                                   B)  playing online games
                                                                   C)  listening to music
                                                                   D)  reading e-books

          14.                                                   16. Find the correct option according to the results.

                                                                   A)  Many  Turkish  teenagers  prefer  listening  to  music
                                                                      more than playing online games.
                                                                   B)  Sharing  videos  and  photos  is  more  popular  than
                                                                      following articles in technology blogs among them.
               Hello, my name is Tiffany and I'm a vlogger. I'm crazy   C)  Nearly  half  of  them  use  the  Internet  to  play  online
               about fashion and I post videos about trendy things    games more than read e-books.
               like clothes, shoes and handbags. Now, I'm going to   D)  More than ten percent of teenagers in Turkey prefer
               tell you how to register my video blog. First, write my   listening to music and reading e-books.
               video blog's name in a search engine. Click on my
               vlog address. Second, you will see sign up button
               and click on it. Fill in the personal info boxes such as
               your nickname, password and gender to register my   17.  Lindsay is a social network addict and she always uses
               vlog. Automatically, you'll get an e-mail to confirm   the Internet to log in to social networking sites. She has
               your account. That's all. Please follow my vlog and   accounts in different sites. ............
               comment on my videos.
                                                                   Which option completes the blank correctly?
                                                                   A)  She mostly shares photos and songs, and accepts
             If you want to register Tiffany’s vlog, you .... .       friend requests.
             A)  have to create a new e-mail address first         B)  She usually sends e - mails with attachments to her
             B)  need  to  enter  all  your  personal  information  on  her   friends.
                blog                                               C)  She generally reads e - books and watches videos on
             C)  should firstly post your own videos to her blog      them.
             D)  should first find her vlog’s name on the Net and click   D)  She  follows  and  reads  articles  in  technology  blogs
                on it                                                 very often.

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   85
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90