Page 88 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 88

TEST  3                                                             UNIT 5: THE INTERNET

        8.  These teenagers below talk about their Internet habits.  10. You see the results of a survey about the rate of the use
                                                                  of several devices that people use to access the Internet
            Molly: I use the Internet for reading e - books and checking
            my e - mails.                                         below.

            Ryan: I usually play games and follow sports scores on   ◆   The number of people using smartphones is twice as
            the Internet.                                            many as those using tablets.
                                                                  ◆   Less than half of the people use laptops.
            Emma: I use the Internet to practice my English and
            follow foreign series.                                ◆   Using  laptops  is  more  popular  than  using  tablets
                                                                     among people.
            Dave: I use the Internet for checking my bank accounts
            and getting news.                                     ◆   Using  desktop  PCs  is  the  least  preferred  among
            Who  uses  the  Internet  to  improve  a  language
            according to the information above?                   What chart shows the results of the survey?
            A) Ryan     B) Emma       C) Dave     D) Molly             Smartphone users       Tablet users
                                                                       Desktop PC users       Laptop users

                                                                  A)                       B)      10%

                                                                        32,5%   40%              25%     50%

                                                                          20%  7,5%                15%

                                                                  C)                       D)
                                                                           9%                         8,5%
        9.  The graphic below shows some information about Clark        21%    42%               17%     50%
            and his friend, Danny’s Internet habits.
                                                                           28%                   24,5%
                     Clark         Danny

                   chatting with friends

                 doing online shopping   12%
                                                30%            11.   Hello, all! I’m Tim. I think I am a social networking site
                      watching videos
                                                30%                addict. I log on to it every day. I upload photos and
                                                                   update my profile all the time. I love chatting with my
                      doing research                               online friends for long hours. ............. I think I have a
                                              24%                  serious problem. So, I have decided to give it up for
            Which of the following is correct according to the     a while.
            graphic above?
                                                                  Which option completes the blank correctly?
            A)  Danny spends more time on chatting with his friends
               than Clark does.                                   A)  I  never  use  social  networking  sites  to  make  new
            B)  Clark  likes  buying  something  on  the  Internet  more   friends.
               than Danny.                                        B)  Social  networking  sites  are  useful  for  posting
            C)  Danny prefers searching for information on the Net   messages to friends.
               more than Clark.                                   C)  I feel worried if I am offline for more than a few hours.
            D)  Watching videos via the Internet is the most preferred   D)  I prefer face - to - face communication to chat rooms
               activity for them.                                    all the time.

          88     Grade 8 English
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93