Page 90 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 90

TEST  3                                                             UNIT 5: THE INTERNET

        15.   Almost  everyone  loves  the  Internet  because  it’s   17.  Fifty students answered a survey about their use of the
             a  great  place  to  keep  in  touch  with  people,  find   Internet. Here are the results:
             information, do shopping, watch movies and videos,                                           9
             etc. However, some people spend too much time            get information about their homework  students
             online  every  day.  They  think  and  talk  about  the                                      11
             Internet all the time. They have lots of Internet friends,                                 students
             but they are bad at face to face interaction. They       buy what they need
             ignore their families and work obligations, and they                                         11
             lose all sense of time because of the Internet. They     watch movies and videos           students
             can’t do without using it.                                                                    4
                                                                      order food from a restaurant
            The paragraph above is about ........... .
            A) Internet addiction     B) Internet security                                              students
                                                                      get in touch with their friends
            C) online communication   D) Internet services
                                                                  Which of the following option is correct according
                                                                  to the results?
              The Internet is an amazing place to keep in touch   A)  The most popular use of the Net is to do research
              with your friends and find any information your are    about school assignments.
              looking for. However, you have to learn how to use   B)  Different  number  of  students  use  the  Net  for
              it and what is dangerous for you. You have to keep     communication and fun.
              your password secret and use safe websites. You     C)  Most of the students buy something to eat using the
              must ignore unknown people's friend request and        Internet.
              never  meet  your  online  friends.  Because  some
              people pretend to be younger when online. If you    D)  Many of the students search for their homework via
              don’t want to get a virus, you shouldn’t open e-mails   the Internet.
              or files from people you don't know. You have to be
              more careful while using the Internet.

                                                               18.   Hello. My name is Burak. I use the Internet only at

                                                                    weekends. Because my parents don’t want me to
                                                                    be busy with anything other than my lessons on
                                                                    weekdays. I’m an 8  grade student, so I’m going to
            According  to  the  paragraph  above,  the  Internet    take LGS exam this year. I connect to the Internet
            ............. .                                         through my mobile. I chat with my online friends on
                                                                    my social networking account or play online games.
            A)  can  be  very  dangerous  if  people  don’t  follow  the   I wish weekends never end.
               safety rules
            B)  is so popular and it has a common use among the   Which question is not answered in the text above?
               people from all ages
                                                                  A)  How does he access the Internet?
            C)  is  like  a  perfect  thing  and  people  are  crazy  about
               using it                                           B)  For what purposes does he use the Internet?
            D)  presents  lots  of  opportunities  to  people  and  it  is   C)  How many hours does he spend on the Internet?
               totally safe                                       D)  When does he use the Internet?

          90     Grade 8 English
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95