Page 95 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 95

UNIT 5: THE INTERNET                                                           TEST  4

                                    Answer the questions 17 and 18 according to the text below.

                             Hello, my name is Michael. I’m an 8th grade student. Like most teenagers, I’m fond of surfing
                             on the Net. But my parents aren't pleased with this situation. They think that surfing on the Net
                             makes me lazy and disturbs my concentration, but I disagree with them. Because I don’t use
                             the Internet for only chatting with my friends on social networking sites, playing online games or
                             watching videos, but also I sometimes use it for practicing my foreign languages, reading online
                             books, following the latest news and doing my homework. I think they should learn that Internet
                             also has a lot of positive sides, too.

          17.  Which of the following option is correct according to the text above?
             A)  His parents think that the Internet is a good place and he uses it only for useful things.

             B)  He can’t spend too much time on the Internet because his parents don’t allow him.
             C)  One of his Internet usage purposes is to learn the current events in the world.
             D)  He agrees with his parents about the disadvantages of the Internet, but he likes it much.

          18. According to the text above, we cannot say that .......... .

             A)  he likes spending time on the Internet very much and he has accounts on social media
             B)  he gets help for his homework from the Internet and improves his foreign languages by the Net
             C)  both of he and his parents think that the Internet has lots of advantages and disadvantages
             D)  he mostly prefers playing online games and watching videos to doing his homework through the Net

                We use the Internet in every part of our life. The recent research shows that the
                usage of the Internet is increasing. It says that the aim of the Internet connection
                varies from person to person. The most usage is surfing social networking sites.
                Less than 19 percent of these people use it for playing games. Doing online
                shopping is the second popular Internet activity among people. 12 percent of
                people watch videos and movies on the Internet. The least usage is listening to
                music with more than 2%.

             Which of the following pie chart is appropriate to the information given above?

                surfing social networking sites      playing online games            listening to music
                watching videos and movies           doing the shopping online

             A)      4%  12%           B)     2%                C)                       D)     3%

                  19%                      22%    11%                  7%  13%               20%    12%
                              45%                      50%          25%         39%                      47%
                    20%                      15%                                               18%

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   95
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100