Page 96 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 96

TEST  1                                                             UNIT 6: ADVENTURES

        1.  John: What kind of sports do you prefer, Ethan?    4.  If you are into underwater, that is a perfect sports activity
                                                                  for you. You have to carry a tank filled with compressed
            Ethan:  I  prefer  extreme  sports.  They  can  be  more
            dangerous and challenging, but I love testing myself.   air.  It  is  to  breathe.  It  is  the  best  way  to  explore  the
            Thanks to these sports, ....... .                     fantastic  underwater  world,  getting  up  close  with  the
                                                                  wonders and the secrets of marine life.
            Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.
                                                                  Which sport is the text above about?
            A)  I can see how far I can go                        A) Canoeing              B) Rafting
            B)  I never test my limits while doing them
                                                                  C) Scuba diving          D) Hang - gliding
            C)  I want to try safe sports anymore
            D)  I’m into nature sports such as trekking

        2.  I  enjoy  fast  and  dangerous  sports.  I  like  taking  risks   5.  A  high  school  club  is  organizing  a  four - day  extreme
            so much. I think of myself as an adrenalin seeker. So,   sports camp for its students. The club prepares a form to
            ................. .                                   find out its students’ preferences for the activities. Here
                                                                  is the form:
            Which option is suitable to complete the paragraph?
            A)  I prefer skydı̇ vı̇ ng to bungee-jumping
                                                                         Please tick the activities you want to join.
            B)  I would rather cycling than skydiving
                                                                        Thursday                    Friday
            C)  I would rather minigolf than rafting
            D)  I prefer parachute diving to swimming                   Rock climbing              Rock climbing
                                                                        Windsurfing                Trekking
                                                                         Saturday                  Sunday
        3.  Kevin  and  Riley  are  school  friends.  They  like  doing
            extreme sports very much. They planned to do one of         Parachuting                Scuba diving
            these sports together at the weekend. So, they talked       Rafting                    Kitesurfing
            about their sport preferences. Here are the lists of their
            sport preferences:                                    According to the form above, the students of the
                  Kevin's Sport          Riley's Sport            club can try ..... .
                  Preferences             Preferences             A)  a water extreme sport on each day
                   Kitesurfing             Skydiving              B)  air extreme sports at the weekend
                   Paragliding           Skateboarding            C)  a water and an air sport on Saturday
                 Mountain biking         Hang-gliding             D)  a nature sport only on Thursday
                    Rafting               Windsurfing

            Which of the following can we say according to the
            information and the lists above?
            A)  They  aren’t  interested  in  land  extreme  sports,  but   6.  David: ............................................
               they are into air extreme sports.                  Peter: I think it would be an amazing adventure. Flying
            B)  Riley  prefers  air  extreme  sports  more  than  water   through the air is excellent.
               extreme  sports,  but  Kevin  prefers  water  extreme   Which question does David ask Peter?
               sports the most.
                                                                  A)  What do you think of hang - gliding?
            C)  They both would rather do land extreme sports than
               air extreme sports most of the time.               B)  What are some examples of extreme sports?
            D)  Kevin is interested in more kinds of extreme sports   C)  What do you prefer doing when you are on vacation?
               than Riley is, and he likes air extreme sports most.  D)  Which one do you prefer? Kayaking or motor racing?

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