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P. 94

TEST  4                                                              UNIT 5: THE INTERNET

        11.  David: Do you think Internet is safe for teenagers?   14.
                                                                                 Hi everybody.  I'm  Cindy  from  New
            Pam: No, I don’t. There are many dangers on the Internet             Jersey. I think the Internet is a great
            for them. However,..…… .
                                                                                 place  because  it  is  very  useful  for
            David: You’re right. Teens should be more careful when               many purposes. I usually use it for
            they take advantage of the Internet.                                 making new friends, doing shopping
                                                                   and searching for information about my homework. I
            Choose the best option that completes the dialogue.
                                                                   have a desktop PC, but I mostly use my smartphone
            A)  they don’t pay attention to the copyright issues   to access the Internet. I usually spend five or six hours
            B)  they don’t attach importance to the rights of others  on the Net a day. I can't imagine a world without the
            C)  strangers can use their accounts without a permission  Internet. Moreover, my life is more fun with it.
            D)  Internet is useful if they follow some basic safety rules
                                                                  We can understand from the text about Cindy that
                                                                  ..... .
                          ........................................  A)  she  uses  two  electronic  devices  to  connect  to  the
             ➠ They should pay attention to the rights of others.
                                                                  B)  she isn’t online using her smartphone for long hours
             ➠ They should use spam filters in their e-mail accounts.  C)  she  thinks  the  Internet  makes  all  people’s  life

             ➠  They shouldn’t share their personal information on   enjoyable
               the Internet.                                      D)  she never uses the Net to have online friends and
                                                                     buy things
             ➠ They shouldn’t admit a friend request of a stranger.

            Which one can be the best title of the chart above?
            A)  What shouldn’t teens do on the Internet?       15. Taylor: Listen, Jess. We are going to create a WhatsApp
            B)  How do teens stay safe on the Internet?           group to help each other about our school assignments.
            C)  How do teens spend time on the Internet?          Why don’t you join us?
            D)  What do teens mostly do on the Net?               Jess:  .................  I  really  need  help  to  prepare  some
                                                                  school projects. I’m sure it will be very useful for us.
                                                                  Choose the best option to complete the dialogue.
        13. Ryan and his friends are talking about how they spent
            time on different websites on the weekend.            A)  That would be great, but I’m afraid I can’t.
            Ryan: I browsed articles about my science project, so I   B)  It sounds great, but I don’t have an Internet connection.
            collected lots of data.                               C)  Sorry, but I don’t want to be a part of their group.
            Oscar: I learnt new words and phrases in French and   D)  I dislike the Internet, but it sounds like a good idea.
            Gloria:  I  did  research  about  the  latest  technological
            developments in the world.                         16.
                                                                  ◆   I’ve forgotten my password, so I must ........... a new
            Margaret:  I  looked  at my  friends’  photos and  wrote   e-mail address.
            comments on them.
                                                                  ◆   I’ll ........... my anti-virus program because there are
            Which of the following is not one of the websites        always new viruses.
            they visited according to the information above?      ◆   We can ........... movies, games, pictures, etc. from the

            A)                               Internet.
            B)                                  Which  of  the  following  words  does  not use  to
            C)                                complete any of the blanks above?
            D)                           A) download   B) create   C) crash   D) update

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