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P. 97

UNIT 6: ADVENTURES                                                              TEST  1

          7.  You see some comments about paragliding in Ölüdeniz   9.  The researcher, Professor Hemmings conducts research
             below.                                                about  teenagers.  In  his  last  research,  he  prepared  a
                                                                   questionnaire  and  asked  200  teens  what  they  think
                 Search http/: paraglidinginÖlü           about some extreme sports. You see the results below.
                   Web        Visual      Shopping
                                                                                Extreme sports
                                                                     paragliding                49
                                                                      kitesurfing                 55
               Comments                                                                  28
               Jamie                 Larry                          motor racing                      69
               It was very exciting and   I felt free like a bird while                                70
               challenging, but I loved it.  doing it, so it was an amazing            20
                                    experience for me.                   rafting     15
                Kevin                Rosie                                              24
               You should take your   I definitely want to do it again!  underwater   12
               parachute because it  It was fantastic. I think you     hockey                 43
               involved many risks.  should try this sport.                                                Number
                                                                               0  10  20 30  40 50  60 70  80
                                                                                                           of teens
             According  to  the  comments  above,  who  says             dangerous       exciting    challenging
             something about safety?
             A) Jamie     B) Kevin    C) Larry     D) Rosie        It is clear from the results that ....... .

                                                                   A)  underwater hockey is safer and more exciting than
                                                                      kitesurfing for teens
                                                                   B)  most of the teens find paragliding easier than rafting
                                                                      and kitesurfing
                                                                   C)  almost  all  of  the  teens  think  motor  racing  is  more
                                                                      boring than the others
          8.                                                       D)  rafting  involves  less  risk  than  kitesurfing  and
               Extreme sports are heart - stopping activities for     underwater hockey for teenagers
               some people. These people like taking risks and
               pushing themselves. They want to try dangerous
               and challenging sports. They aren’t fond of easy
               sports.  They  are  called  adrenalin  seekers  or
               adrenalin junkies. However, some people hate
               these sports. They think that they are difficult and
               very dangerous. They don’t take risks in their life.   10. Paul: I think rafting is an amusing extreme sport. I want
               They  prefer  safe  activities  such  as  basketball,   to do it every summer.
               volleyball, golf, etc.
                                                                   Kathy: Rafting is a dangerous and challenging sport. I
                                                                   always do safer and easier sports.
             According to the text above, ............ .
                                                                   Joshua: To me, nobody should take risks and try rafting.
             A)  adrenalin  junkies  prefer  easy  sports  to  extreme   You can get seriously injured while doing it.
                sports because they’re less dangerous
             B)  adrenalin  seekers  don’t  like  taking  part  in  sports   Christina: I’m never interested in extreme sports such
                involving physical risk                            as paragliding and rafting because they involve physical
             C)  people who do dangerous and challenging sports are
                known as adrenalin junkies                         According to the information above, who prefers
                                                                   doing rafting?
             D)  basketball and golf are some popular sports among
                adrenalin seekers, but some people dislike them    A) Paul    B) Kathy   C) Joshua    D) Christina

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