Page 102 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 102

TEST  2                                                             UNIT 6: ADVENTURES

        9.                                                     11.  Bruce: Which one do you prefer, swimming with dolphins
                                                                  or bungee - jumping?
                                                                  Ryan: ................................ I like taking risks.

                                                                  Which one is Ryan’s answer to Bruce?
                                                                  A)  I prefer bungee - jumping because I think it is more
                 Do  you  see  any  hot  air  balloons  and       B)  I’m  afraid  of  heights,  so  I  prefer  swimming  with
               parachutes?  If  you  are  into  sky  sports,  you    dolphins.
               probably see them because they are equipment       C)  I don’t like extreme sports such as bungee - jumping.
               for  sky  sports.  But  they  are  different.  Hot  air
               balloons can carry more people than parachutes.    D)  I think swimming with dolphins is more entertaining.
               Parachutes can't carry more than two people. You
               float in the air with the balloons, but parachutes
               are for slowing down the speed while falling. You
               need a burning gas for hot air balloons, but you   12.
                 don't need it for parachutes.

            Which of the following is not correct according to      Hello Samuel,
            the passage above?                                      Guess where I am! I’m at an adventure camp in
                                                                    Cappadocia, Nevşehir. I came here last Friday. I’m
            A)  Hot air balloon and parachute are used for the same   having a fantastic time. Have you ever ridden in a
               kind of sports as equipment.                         hot air balloon? Yesterday, I took a hot air balloon
            B)  Both  hot  air  balloons  and  parachutes  do  the  same   ride in Cappadocia. It was too exciting. After the
               manoeuvre in the air while landing.                  ride, I went horse riding. It was fun, but I liked the
                                                                    hot air balloon ride the most.
            C)  More than two people can ride in a hot air balloon,   Bye for now,
               but that’s impossible for a parachute.               Chris
            D)  There are some differences between hot air balloons
               and parachutes.                                    It is clear from the postcard above that Chris ..... .

                                                                  A)  is not pleased with his trip in Cappadocia
                                                                  B)  talks about the activities he did at the camp
        10. Shannon:  What  kind  of  sports  do  you  prefer  doing,   C)  enjoyed flying in a hot air balloon over Cappadocia
            Larry?                                                   at least
                                                                  D)  thinks  riding  a  horse  in  Cappadocia  was  more
            Larry: Well, I like canoeing and surfing.
                                                                     entertaining than the other activities
            Shannon: That’s interesting. Which one do you prefer the

            Larry: I prefer surfing to canoeing because I like individual
            sports more. I think ................... .
                                                               13. Eddie: Do you like rafting and hiking?
            Choose the suitable option to complete the blank in
            the dialogue above.                                   Nick: Yes, but ........... because I love the adrenalin.
                                                                  Fill in the blank with the suitable option.
            A)  individual sports are more amusing than team sports
            B)  team  sports  are  less  boring  and  challenging  than   A)  I prefer hiking to rafting
               individual sports                                  B)  I think hiking is more dangerous
            C)  both individual and team sports are very dangerous  C)  I’d rather rafting than hiking
            D)  doing team sports makes me happy and energetic    D)  I like nature sports very much

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