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P. 107

UNIT 6: ADVENTURES                                                              TEST  3

          12.            S                                      14.   Hi, I’m Stuart. As you know, there are different
                         SAFETY RULES ABOUT  AFETY RULES ABOUT
                             S                                       kinds of sports that people can do in their lives.
                             SCUBA DIVINGCUBA DIVING
                                                                     If you like taking risks and pushing yourself, you
                   Wear a good quality of swimsuit.
                                                                     should  definitely  try  extreme  sports.  In  fact,  I
                    Listen to your instructor carefully before      prefer  air  extreme  sports.  They  are  very  risky
                    diving.                                          but very exciting, too. I have tried skydiving and
                   Never go alone.                                  hang - gliding before. I’d like to try rock climbing. I
                                                                     believe rock climbing is more challenging
                   Read all the safety instructions.
                                                                      and  entertaining  than  skydiving  and
                   Be careful about weather conditions.              hang - gliding. Testing my limits while
                                                                      doing sports makes me feel free.
                   Choose the right place to dive.

                                                                   Which of the following option is correct according
                                                                   to Stuart’s talk?
                                                                   A)  He  mostly  prefers  doing  safe  sports  to  extreme
                                                                   B)  He  finds  rock  climbing  less  challenging  than
                                                                   C)  He doesn’t enjoy doing sports that involve high risk.
             If you want to try scuba diving, ......... .          D)  He is an adrenalin junkie and likes seeing how far he
                                                                      can go.
             A)  you don’t need any equipment
             B)  you can dive wherever you want

             C)  you can do it not to know the safety rules
             D)  you should pay attention to weather conditions

          13. Michael: I like extreme sports so much. I prefer doing   15. Robbie: Are you interested in sports?
             challenging activities. When the risk is bigger, I become
             happier. For me, nothing is better than the emotions that   Erica: Yes, I do extreme sports.
             I feel while doing extreme sports.                    Robbie: Really? Which extreme sports have you tried
             Nancy: Really? I find them very dangerous. I prefer safe   so far?
             sports like cycling, running and basketball. I think you are   Erica: I’ve done rafting, hang - gliding, bungee - jumping,
             an adrenalin seeker.                                  caving and kayaking.

             According to the dialogue above, we can say that      Robbie: Wow, you’ve done a lot. Which one do you prefer
             ........................ .                            the most?

             A)  both of them enjoy testing their limits with challenging    Erica: ......................... because I like the feeling of flying
                and dangerous sports                               and I believe it is more challenging than the others.
             B)  Nancy prefers taking part in sports involving high risk   Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.
                more than Michael
                                                                   A)  I prefer hang - gliding
             C)  they  do  different  sports  because  their  sport
                preferences aren’t the same                        B)  I love all of them
             D)  Michael wants to do sports without risk and danger   C)  I prefer rafting to the others
                instead of extreme sports                          D)  I think bungee - jumping is less dangerous

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