Page 110 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 110

TEST  4                                                             UNIT 6: ADVENTURES

        7.  The graph below shows the results of a questionnaire   9.  David: I know you are an adventurer and a traveller, but I
            study on what extreme sports adults and teenagers in   really wonder about what your craziest dream adventure
            the USA prefer.                                       is. Tell me, Donna! What is it?
                Number of adults                                  Donna: Well ... I guess my craziest dream is travelling the
                and teens                                         Central Asia countries.
             50   45                      Teenagers               David: Really? Which country do you want to see first?
             40             39                                    Donna: I would rather see Egypt first because there are
                                                    30            lots of ancient structures like the Great Pyramid, and I
             30      27             25   25                       want to see them.

             20                                  17               David: Oh, that sounds fantastic.
                                            10           Extreme sports
             10           5                                       According to the dialogue above, Donna ....... .
               0                                                  A)  wants to visit Egypt at the end of her travel
                 trekking  rock  skydiving surfing kitesurfing
                        climbing                                  B)  is  not  interested  in  historical  places  of  the  Central
                                                                     Asia countries
            We can understand from the results of the study that   C)  has a dream about visiting the Central Asia countries
            ........... .
                                                                  D)  doesn’t  think  of  herself  as  an  adventurer  and  a
            A)  the number of teens preferring water extreme sports   traveller
               is more than those preferring land extreme sports
            B)  the same number of teens and adults prefer doing
               different kinds of extreme sports
            C)  land  extreme  sports  are  more  popular  than  others
               among both adults and teenagers
            D)   both adults and teenagers prefer doing air extreme
               sports more than other kinds of sports

        8.  Brian: What did you do when you were on holiday?

            Louis: I went to Antalya, Turkey. I did many different kinds
            of extreme sports there. I tried paragliding first. Watching   10.
            the fascinating scenery of the city over the land was   Alyssa: I like trying extreme sports very much. So far, I
            wonderful. Then I tried rafting and bungee jumping. I   have tried kayaking, rafting and mountain biking. I want to
            really had an amazing time in Antalya.                 try more, but the only problem is that I’m afraid of heights.
            Brian: Really? I’m happy to hear that. But I think ....... .
                                                                  Which of the following is not an appropriate sport
            Louis: Yeah, you’re absolutely right. I think of myself as   for Alyssa?
            an adrenalin seeker.
                                                                  A)                       B)
            Find the option that is appropriate for the blank.

            A)  you  prefer  doing  sports  involving  high  risk  and
               physical danger
            B)  you don’t like taking risks and pushing yourself while
               doing sports                                       C)                       D)
            C)  you prefer safe and easy sports instead of challenging
               and dangerous ones
            D)  you dislike the challenge and don’t want to see how
               far you can go with extreme sports

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