Page 115 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 115

UNIT 7: TOURISM                                                                 TEST  1

          13. Hi. My name is Olivia. On my last summer vacation, I   15.       Hello!  My  name  is  Irina.  I'm  Russian
             went to Turkey. I visited Ephesus, Assos Ancient City,
             Göbeklitepe,  Çatalhöyük  and  Sumela  Monastery                  and I live in Moscow with my family. I
                                                                               think my hometown is a good place to
             because I like discovering historical places and learning
             about different cultures very much. ...........................   spend your holiday. If you decide to take
                                                                    a vacation in Moscow, you should definitely do four
             Find the option that is suitable to complete the text   things: visit the Kremlin Palace, take a coach tour of
             above.                                                 the city, walk around Red Square and see a ballet at

             A)  I would rather visit modern sites than historic sites.  the Bolshoi Theater.
             B)  To  me,  visiting  ancient  places  is  less  entertaining
                than visiting modern ones.                         We can understand from Irina’s speech that ..... .
             C)  I  prefer  visiting  historical  structures  or  places  to   A)  Moscow is one of the most popular tourist destinations
                visiting modern ones.                                 in the world
             D)  I’m not interested in ancient places and I like spending   B)  she  gives  information  about  the  best  time  to  visit
                my holiday in the nature.                             Moscow
                                                                   C)  she talks about some modern and historical buildings
                                                                      in Moscow
                                                                   D)  she  gives  tourists  some  advice  about  what
                                                                      recreational activities they can do in Moscow

                                                                16. The chart below shows the average rates of visiting the
                                                                   tourist attractions of London in a year.
          14.              I  have  a  busy  work  life  and  very  long
                          working  hours,  so  holidays  are  very                                Buckingham
                          important for me to relax and refresh. I           34 %                 Palace
                         like  the  sea  and  the  beach  very  much.                             London Eye
                         That's why I mostly prefer going on holiday              25 %            Madame Tussauds
                         in summer. The fact remains that historical                              Wax Museum
                         places attract me most. I've planned my    16 %                          Tower Bridge
                         summer holiday for next year. First, I am                                Houses of
                 Lauren   going to visit an ancient city. Then, I am    12 %                      Parliament
                          going to go to an all - inclusive hotel by the                          Big Ben
                           seaside and swim almost every day.                           9 %
                                                                                             4 %
             Where is Lauren going to start her holiday according
             to her talk?
                                                                   Which  of  the  following  sentences  do  we  say
             A)                       B)
                                                                   according to the chart?
                                                                   A)  People  visit  Buckingham  Palace  and  London  Eye
                                                                      more than Big Ben.
                                                                   B)  Houses of Parliament is more popular than Madame
             C)                       D)                              Tussauds Wax Museum among visitors.
                                                                   C)  London Eye has less tourists than Tower Bridge, but
                                                                      they both are more popular than Big Ben.
                                                                   D)  Visitors  prefer  seeing  Madame  Tussauds  Wax
                                                                      Museum more than Big Ben.

                                                                                             Grade 8 English  115
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