Page 119 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 119

UNIT 7: TOURISM                                                                 TEST  2

          12.                                                   15.
              ..... : Paris                                              EIGHT THINGS TO DO IN CAIRO

              ..... : French                                            ▲  Visiting the Egyptian Museum and see
              ..... :  Hotels, hostels and                                the mummies
                  guesthouses                                           ▲ Exploring the Pyramids of Giza
              ..... : Eiffel Tower and museums                          ▲ Taking a boat trip on the River Nile
                                                                        ▲ Going for a walk in Zamalek
             Which of the following does not match with one of          ▲ Spending time in Islamic Cairo
             the blanks above?
                                                                        ▲ Going shopping at Khan Al-Khalili
             A) Currency              B) Accommodation
                                                                        ▲ Walking around Heliopolis
             C) Official language      D) Tourist attractions
                                                                        ▲ Visit the citadel

          13. Thomas:  There  are  lots  of  places  to  see  in  Trabzon.
             Sümela Monastery, Uzungöl and Atatürk’s Mansion are
             just a few examples.

             Olivia:  I  went  on  vacation  in  Mersin  last  summer.  I
             sunbathed at the Kızkalesi Beach and swam very often.   Which of the following option can we say according
             Sandy: I joined a cruise vacation last summer. It was   to the poster above?
             fascinating. The tour took ten days and I paid €1200.  A)  You will see different historic sites and structures if
             Richard: Two months ago, I went to Rome. I stayed at a   you visit Cairo.
             bed and breakfast hotel because it was cheaper.       B)  There aren’t any recreational activities to do in Cairo
             Who is talking about accommodation?                      because it’s fully a historic city.
                                                                   C)  You  will  always  travel  by  bus  to  see  the  tourist
             A) Thomas    B) Olivia   C) Sandy   D) Richard
                                                                      attractions of Cairo.
                                                                   D)  You can spend time in ancient places in Cairo, but
                                                                      you can’t see any modern buildings.

          14.  I.  You should explore the Masai Mara plains and witness
                the great wildlife for an amazing adventure.
             II.  It has one of the greatest wildlife reserves of Africa.
             III. Masai Mara is one of the key popular tourism points
                in Kenya.
                                                                16. Barcelona and Rome are well - known tourist destinations
             IV. You can see various types of wild animals such as   in the world. Around 20 million tourists visit Barcelona
                lions,  cheetahs,  leopards,  elephants  and  giraffes   each year. However, Rome is the second most visited
                                                                   city in Europe with an average of 7 – 10 million tourists a
             Put  the  sentences  in  correct  order  to  make  a   year. So, Barcelona is ............. than Rome.
             meaningful text.
                                                                   Fill in the blank with the correct option.
             A) III - II - IV - I      B) II - IV - I - III        A) less charming         B) more modern
             C) III - IV - I - II      D) I - IV - III - II        C) more popular          D) less attractive

                                                                                             Grade 8 English  119
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