Page 124 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 124

TEST  3                                                                 UNIT 7: TOURISM

        14. Nicholas:  Have  you  seen  the  summer  camp  poster,   16. Last summer, Justin booked a room in an all - inclusive
            Daniel?                                               hotel online for his summer holiday. He stayed at this
                                                                  hotel for a week. The brochure below belongs to this
            Daniel:  Yes,  Nicholas.  There  are  many  alternatives,
            but I would prefer the camps to offer the discovering of   hotel.
            historic places in different countries, so I think I will join a     PARADISE HOTEL
            camp in Italy this summer. What about you? What’s your
            preference?                                                 Comfortable and clean rooms

            Nicholas: Well, I prefer the camps in the nature, so I will    Delicious food & drinks
            probably attend a camp in New Zealand. The camp is         Private room services
            located in the woods and it gives us opportunities for
            mountain biking, trekking, climbing and lots more.          Have facilities (gym,
                                                                       pool, spa and so on)
            According to the dialogue above, we can say that ... .
                                                                       Usually at the seaside
            A)  both  of  them  prefer  the  same  type  of  activities  for
               doing at the camps they will choose                According  to  the  information  and  the  brochure
            B)  the camps they will join are in different countries, but   above, which of the following sentences could not
               these camps offer the same things                  Justin say about the hotel he stayed?
            C)  Daniel likes visiting historic places, but Nicholas likes   A)  The hotel was big and full of attractions, so I had an
               seeing natural beauties
                                                                     amazing time.
            D)  Daniel  thinks  the  camp  in  Italy  is  more  boring  and   B)  There was a private kitchen to cook, but all the pots
               less exciting than the other ones
                                                                     were dirty.
                                                                  C)  The  staff  was  very  friendly  and  food  was  really
                                                                  D)  I really had fun and relaxed when I was swimming
                                                                     and at the spa.
                              Hello there! My name is Susan. I
                              like discovering different places
                              on my summer holidays. I prefer
                              visiting historical places mostly
              because I enjoy learning new things about ancient
              civilizations. Last summer, I went to Egypt. I saw
              the Great Pyramid there. Then I went to Peru to see
              Machu Picchu. Finally, I came to Turkey and visited
              Hagia Sophia Museum. I really loved them. They are
              marvellous and interesting. I think all people should   17.  Monica:  I  prefer  historical  buildings  to  modern  ones.
              visit these places at least one.                    What about you?
                                                                  Linda: .......... I really like seeing structures which have the
                                                                  latest architectural styles.
            According to the text above, Susan .... .
                                                                  Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.
            A)  visited some historical places during her last summer
               holiday because she’s into history                 A)  I prefer modern buildings to historical ones.
            B)  only  travels  to  historical  places  to  explore  ancient   B)  I  think  historical  buildings  are  more  beautiful  than
               things on her holidays                                modern ones.
            C)  didn’t  see  the  traces  of  different  civilizations  in  the   C)  I  would  rather  visit  historical  sites  because  these
               places she visited                                    places are fantastic.
            D)  didn’t  find  the  appropriate  activities  and  places  for   D)  I enjoy visiting places with an interesting and unusual
               herself on her last summer holiday                    history.

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