Page 129 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 129

UNIT 8: CHORES                                                                  TEST  1

          1.  We have to raise our hand before speaking and .............   4.  Lucy  is  a  housewife.  The  table  below  shows  the
             in the class because they are some of our classroom   household chores that she has to do at home and her
             rules. We have to obey these rules.                   frequency of doing these chores.
             Which one is suitable for the blank in the text above?     vacuum the house     three times a week
             A)  take off our shoes when entering                         do the laundry     four times a month
             B)  be nice to our siblings                                  cook the meals        on weekdays
             C)  listen to our teacher carefully                          iron the clothes      twice a week

             D)  wash our hands before meals                            clean the windows      twice a month

                                                                   Which of the following picture shows the chore that
                                                                   Lucy does less than the other chores?
                                                                   A)                       B)

          2.  Linda: What do you like doing as a chore?

             Sasha: Well, I like emptying the dishwasher and setting   C)                   D)
             the table. What about you?
             Linda: ................. because they smell wonderful. Most
             people find it very boring, but I think it’s relaxing.
             Which option completes the blank correctly?

             A)  Cleaning the windows is my task.
             B)  I like taking out the trash.
             C)  I really hate all kinds of chores.
             D)  Watering the flowers is my favourite.
                                                                     Jessica: I think family members should share all
                                                                     the  daily  chores  such  as  shopping,  ironing  and
                                                                     vacuuming because it makes everyone’s life easier.

                                                                    Robert: As a family, we must respect each other all
                                                                    the time and we must take some responsibilities at
          3.               CLASSROOM RULES                          home.
                         During a lesson, .............. .
                     •  be quiet                                    Rachel:  In  my  opinion,  housework  is  definitely  a
                     •  listen to your teacher carefully            waste of time. I also find all the chores boring. So, I
                     •  sit at your desk                            prefer doing something fun to household chores.
                     •  .................................
                                                                    Daniel: To me, chores teach children responsibility
             Which one is suitable for the blank in the list above?  and discipline. They are also a good way to keep fit.
                                                                    So, we should do the chores at home.
             A)  respect your teacher
             B)  talk to your friends                              According to the information above, who doesn’t
             C)  use your mobile phone                             want to have any responsibilities at home?
             D)  fight with your friends                           A) Daniel   B) Rachel   C) Robert   D) Jessica

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